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Clutch Announces fishbat Media as 2019 Leader in Social Media Marketing Agencies

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Throughout the years we have understood the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. Our specialization is in social media marketing and our ability to deliver quality has not gone unnoticed as Clutch has named us a 2019 leader in social media marketing agencies!

Throughout the years we have understood the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. This approach has allowed us to be a successful leader in advertising and marketing in New York City. We have excelled at providing services in branding, content marketing, and digital strategy while also incorporating our social media marketing skills that are top-of-the-line. Our specialization is in social media marketing and our ability to deliver quality has not gone unnoticed as Clutch has named us a 2019 leader in social media marketing agencies!

Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews firm based in Washington DC. They are committed to connecting businesses to business solutions providers like ourselves to help them overcome their business hurdles. They use a unique methodology stemming from market presence, technical capabilities, and unbiased client reviews to rank hundreds of thousands of companies across a variety of industries. Here’s a look at some of our reviews we’ve received on our Clutch profile:

“fishbat has been leading us down the right path, and we trust their judgment.” – Senior Vice President, Property Management Company

“fishbat knew exactly what we needed from an SEO perspective.” – Sales & Marketing Director, Clarity Benefits Solutions

“How we handle our customers is how we like to be handled, and they handle us in a professional, well-mannered turnaround.” – Co-owner, JMR Graphics (Outdoor Printing Company)

We are also being recognized by Clutch’s two sister-websites, The Manifest and Visual Objects. The Manifest provides business news, how-to guides, and industry reports and other metrics to help businesses narrow their search for their next business partner. On The Manifest, we are listed as among the top naming companies in New York. Visual Objects is a portfolio website that showcases work from creative agencies – allowing businesses to visualize a future project. Our portfolio on Visual Objects can be found under the top digital marketing agencies.

This most recent news by Clutch naming us a 2019 leader in social media marketing agencies is beyond exciting! We thank our amazing clients for their incredible support, as we hope to continue to deliver quality products to new and existing clients. 2019 is off to a great start and we look forward to continuing our success in the future!

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