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Do Males Dominate the Land of Retweets?

A report was recently released by a Swedish company, Crossing Borders, that used their Twitter tool Twee-Q to determine who gets retweeted more often, males or females. Based on their research they determined that 63% of all retweets on Twitter are males being retweeted. Discovering this news made me consider why this would be the case. There are more women on Twitter than there are Men, so it isn’t just a case of more Men tweeting and thus being retweeted more often.

A report was recently released by a Swedish company, Crossing Borders, that used their Twitter tool Twee-Q to determine who gets retweeted more often, males or females. Based on their research they determined that 63% of all retweets on Twitter are males being retweeted. Discovering this news made me consider why this would be the case. There are more women on Twitter than there are Men, so it isn’t just a case of more Men tweeting and thus being retweeted more often. My initial thought is that the content posted to Twitter may vary based on how each sex views the platform. In my experience with Twitter females are more likely to post about what they are actually doing at the time. This means you’ll see tweets that say “going to the beach!” which are much less likely to be retweeted than other content. The way I see males using Twitter is often much different. Most of my male friends use Twitter not as a way to tell the world what they are doing, but as a platform to make jokes. They’ll comment on current events and spin them into a joke. I think there is a legitimate difference in the way males and females view the Twitter platform. So what does this mean for those in social media marketing? When you are writing your content for Twitter perhaps it’s better to think about what will actually get retweeted. Don’t just make statements about something your brand is doing; turn it into a “retweetable” tweet by including useful information or making a small joke at the end your tweet. Content that is just a statement is much less likely to be retweeted than content that is funny and informative. Posting about current events and breaking news is also much more likely to draw attention to your tweets. Keep all of these things in mind the next time you are carefully planning your next 140 characters.

For more information about Twitter and other social media marketing platforms, please contact NY Long Island advertising agency fishbat today.

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