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Facebook Camera: The Love Child of Facebook and Instagram

​The transformation is complete. Not even two months after the purchase of Instagram Facebook has released its own photo app to the public. Facebook Camera, a separate app from the Facebook mobile app, can be considered a complete clone to Instagram. The Facebook Camera allows users a single scrolling feed of all of their friend’s photos, can upload several photos at once and similar to Instagram allows the user to crop, rotate and filter their photos unlike the previous version of Facebook’s camera application. With the IPO and

The transformation is complete. Not even two months after the purchase of Instagram Facebook has released its own photo app to the public. Facebook Camera, a separate app from the Facebook mobile app, can be considered a complete clone to Instagram. The Facebook Camera allows users a single scrolling feed of all of their friend’s photos, can upload several photos at once and similar to Instagram allows the user to crop, rotate and filter their photos unlike the previous version of Facebook’s camera application. With the IPO and Zuckerberg’s wedding, Facebook has been hard at work making changes to better the company’s growing list of features. One question I have though is this… Will Facebook ever hit the ceiling? Millions of dollars in revenue are made by social media marketing companies who owe Facebook for most of their success. What else can Facebook do that would better the social media marketing community? Zuckerberg has made previous hints at improving the mobile aspect of Facebook and let’s face it, the changes that Facebook makes can cause more waves than a belly flopping Orca. I would like to predict that Facebook will eventually expand out of the iPhone app business and create a brand of tech they call their own. Will there be a new phone or a new tablet PC that Facebook can call its own? Who knows what is on the horizon for this social media titan.

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