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How To Write A Press Release Like A Web Marketing Firm

​I have written quite a few articles here at the online marketing firm which has decided to pay my bills, and, to spice things up, I’m bringing out my first theme week and I figured we would focus on the most basic and most-overlooked component of any marketing plan: the press release. Often quickly wweritten and rarely read, a good press release, is one of basic tenets of web marketing. And, chances are, if you’re working on a press release, you’re doing it work.

I have written quite a few articles here at the online marketing firm which has decided to pay my bills, and, to spice things up, I’m bringing out my first theme week and I figured we would focus on the most basic and most-overlooked component of any marketing plan: the press release. Often quickly written and rarely read, a good press release, is one of basic tenets of web marketing. And, chances are, if you’re working on a press release, you’re doing it work.

First off, as the Bard so eloquently stated, brevity is the soul of wit. I’m going to explain that in a long winded manner. In the fabled days of newspapers, before we had online marketing firms or web marketing, a press release was supposed to be about 400 words. Now that we live in the beautiful future, if you’re writing more than two hundred words, about as much as can be read on a screen without scrolling, you’re doing too much.

Secondly, grab the reader by the jugular and never let go. Even though you only have about two hundred words to work with, most people won’t read more than ten. So, it’s critical that you make your first sentence, really count.

Thirdly, make it sound like a story. Everything’s running on fast-forward these days; journalists, whether online or in print are going to prefer if they can copy your text exactly and be done with it, so make sure it reads like something they can use easily: full sentences, quotes, details, etc.

Lastly, you’re really not doing something smart if you do work your tail feathers off in order to include your contact information. And I mean, all of it: we’re talking phone number, email address, website address, physical address, social media accounts, astrological signs, interests, shoe sizes (okay, well, I was kidding with the last three). Nobody is going to spend more than a scant few seconds trying to find you, so if you want people to publish your press release, you better make it easy for them.

Give fishbat Internet marketing company a call at 855-347-4228 to learn more about what you’ve just read.

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