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Intertwining Social Media and Education: A Good or Bad Thing?

​With the amount of people using social media growing, it’s hard to keep the use of it out of things we do in our everyday lives, including work and school. There has been a none-stop argument regarding the role social media plays in the classroom, and whether we like it or not I doubt it’ll ever fully be removed at this point.

With the amount of people using social media growing, it’s hard to keep the use of it out of things we do in our everyday lives, including work and school. There has been a none-stop argument regarding the role social media plays in the classroom, and whether we like it or not I doubt it’ll ever fully be removed at this point.

Used as an educational tool, social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook permit both teachers and students alike to connect and interact, as well as learn about news and information as it comes out and is updated. Using these sites allows there to be a platform for exchanging dialog and finding answers. But are there any risks or arguments that social media in education can stifle learning rather than assist students?

A beneficial factor about using these sites in the classroom is that is can be used to expand the engagement between students and teachers as well as act as an educational tool for interaction and exchanging thoughts and ideas. Sites such as LinkedIn provide students with the opportunity to gain professional internet presence and reach out to companies or schools by posting their resume. Twitter is beneficial in that students and employers can post about internships and job openings.

Although it can be said that Facebook and YouTube can be a distraction and cause students to focus more about interacting with friends or watching their favorite videos rather than being focused on school work, I believe the positive factors outweigh the reasons to exclude social media from the classroom.

We live in an age where social networking can no longer be escaped. If we would just embrace it instead of trying to rule it out of classrooms and certain work spaces, we’d find that it helps expand our minds as well as be open to new and different ideas.

Consult Internet marketing agency fishbat for information about digital media services.

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