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Mobile Marketing Campaign: Target Potential Customers Anywhere, Anytime

The use of mobile devices to access the internet has steadily been increasing year after year. In 2018, 52.2 percent of worldwide website traffic was driven through mobile phones, meaning that the mobile medium has now become over half of all website traffic.

The use of mobile devices to access the internet has steadily been increasing year after year. In 2018, 52.2 percent of worldwide website traffic was driven through mobile phones, meaning that the mobile medium has now become over half of all website traffic.

This shocking statistic helps to prove an important point: if you’re not creating mobile marketing campaigns, you’re simply falling behind.

Mobile-Friendly Websites

One of the most important ways that you can market your business to mobile users is to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. No matter what marketing campaigns you’re running on other platforms, all of that traffic is brought to your website, and if it isn’t optimized for mobile you’re missing out on potential customers. Search engines like Google and Bing also rank mobile-friendly websites higher, so take a moment to pull up your website on your smartphone and check for these requirements:

  • Is your website easy to navigate?
  • Are you able to quickly find contact information or a call-to-action?
  • Does a contact button exist that allows customers to easily click and call your business?

Once you’ve ensured your website is mobile-friendly, you can start thinking about your mobile marketing campaign.

Anywhere and Anytime

Some of the most impressive and effective mobile marketing campaigns target potential customers with personalized, location-sensitive information that is useful to them at that moment in time. Whether it’s inside an app they’re using, a notification that pops up on their phone, or an ad that displays on a mobile website, these campaigns capture the user at a moment when they may not be expecting it, and (if done correctly) surprises them into making a purchase or finding out more information.

Types of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

With technology that is ever-changing and ever-growing, the types of mobile marketing campaigns that can be created are almost unlimited in their expanse of creativity. Some of the most commonly used mobile marketing campaigns today utilize:

  • Location-based marketing: this type of mobile ad generally appears as a notification that is sent out once a user is seen to be within a certain radius of a business, prompting them to stop in. Retailers often use this technique to notify mobile users that they’re near a location of theirs, and if they stop in they will receive a discount on their items.
  • QR Codes: these barcode-like symbols can be scanned by a mobile user’s camera and will bring them to a specific website or landing page, giving them more information about something they’ve already shown interest in by scanning the code.
  • In-app mobile marketing: these ads can be pictures or videos that are placed within apps to entice users to visit your website to learn more information. Videos used in this technique should be short and to the point, as app users are quick to lose interest and have short attention spans.
  • Mobile search ads: search ads built for Google often include components that utilize a viewer’s phone functions, like a click-to-call button, or redirects them to a map application.
  • SMS marketing: though SMS texts can still be utilized after capturing a potential customer’s phone number, they’re generally on their way out in favor of some of the newer smartphone marketing campaigns that have a higher ROI.

fishbat: The Mobile Advertising Company for You

Whichever direction you plan to go with your mobile marketing campaign, let fishbat help you plan and execute your mobile marketing ads to best promote your business. Our experts are here to learn about you and your passion, then create mobile marketing campaigns that reach as many quality mobile users as possible. To learn more about how we can help you expand your business, contact us today.

Call us at 855-347-4228 to learn about our online marketing agency services.

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