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Press Release: Social Media Agency fishbat, Inc. Wants to Pheed Your Social Media Appetite

​Pheed has been officially pronounced the most downloaded free app in the App Store. Social media agency fishbat reviews the social media platform and asks if Pheed will take on a life of its own.

Pheed has been officially pronounced the most downloaded free app in the App Store. Social media agency fishbat reviews the social media platform and asks if Pheed will take on a life of its own.

On March 21, social media agency fishbat reviews Pheed, the most downloaded free app of the App Store. Fishbat asks if social media users will convert to the new social platform.

According to The Times of India, the “new less-known social network” Pheed is the number one most downloaded free app under the social networking category, beating out both Facebook and Twitter.

Pheed works much the same way as Facebook or Instagram, reports Times of India, where “[users] follow people and people [follow back]”, commenting back and forth on posts and “[users] can upload pictures of any size.”

According to The Times of India, “Pheed [allows users to] post audio files as well as videos up to four hours in length, a feature that its competitors lack.” The network also allows users to watermark their personal content as a preventative measure against plagiarism or theft.

“Pheed is like every social media platform on steroids,” comments fishbat COO Scott Darrohn. “With video uploading capabilities like YouTube, profile features like Facebook and Twitter, and image sharing like Instagram, Pheed appears to rival any and all social sharing platforms that are currently available. We’ll be watching to see if Pheed will be able to hold its own against these bigger platforms.”

Pheed has a pricing feature that let users charge their followers from 1.99 dollars up to 34.99 dollars a month to view their feed reports Times of India.

“The benefits of this feature are less clear at this point,” comments Darrohn. “The idea of paying for Pheed might not appeal to social media users accustomed to using sites like Facebook and Twitter for free. A social media agency is not going to successfully gain the following it could on Facebook and Twitter if its users have to pay to follow other users. Pheed might have the most downloads in the app store, but that doesn’t mean that all of those people are actually using the service, or that they’re using it in lieu of other social media platforms.”

fishbat, Inc. is a full-service online marketing firm and social media agency. We’re branding experts that can help your business be a part of the conversations that are already happening. Through social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and public relations, we can raise awareness about your brand, strengthen your corporate image, and place your business in front of your ideal audience.

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