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Press Release: Social Media Marketing Agency, fishbat, Inc., Analyzes Importance of Target Audiences on Social Media

​Online marketing company, fishbat, Inc., releases a statement analyzing trend of target audiences for marketing via social media.

Online marketing company, fishbat, Inc., releases a statement analyzing trend of target audiences for marketing via social media.

On October 13 2012, social media marketing agency, fishbat, Inc., released a statement analyzing trend of target audiences for marketing via social media.

According to an Op-Ed piece in Digital Journal by Donald Quinn, “[W]e are a captive audience, addicted to our smart phones and computers.” Quinn comments on marketing companies and how they use our public information to conduct business stating, “[W]ithout a doubt many companies have started to take advantage of this plethora of information we offer, and have stepped into our digital world with offerings that peak our interest because the offerings themselves are designed based on our own preset and preapproved choices.”

Quinn discusses marketing with a social perspective as “one of the oldest and most efficient forms of marketing in the world.” Social Interaction such as going to the movies, going for walks or seeing a play were based on a more personable level remarks Quinn. “As a result marketing professionals adapted and marketing was directed at these forms of entertainment and social interaction. The result was the billboard highways, sandwich boards, and planes circling about beaches pulling signs. The objective, then as now, was to find people doing the things they wanted to be doing and then share products with them that could enhance their lives.”

Nicholas Renna, social media strategy manager for fishbat, Inc., states, “The goal of marketing hasn’t changed over the years, just the means by which we achieve those goals. Social media marketing still carries out the same function as a billboard, but more effectively. For companies looking to market via social media, it’s important to have a clear strategy and a way to not only target your current audience, but to draw in new fans to convert into customers. A social media agency such as fishbat can help any company find the best way to reach their target audience across different social media platforms.”

fishbat, Inc. is a full service online marketing firm. Through social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and public relations, fishbat strives as a marketing firm to raise awareness about your brand and strengthen your corporate image.


Call fishbat Digital Marketing Firm at 855-347-4228 for a cost-free consultation.

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