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Relationships and Breakups: Social Media Relationship Counsel

​When couples got together and started dating, it used to be “we’re boyfriend/girlfriend.” Nowadays, you aren’t considered to be dating unless its “Facebook official.”

When couples got together and started dating, it used to be “we’re boyfriend/girlfriend.” Nowadays, you aren’t considered to be dating unless its “Facebook official.”

Having to deal with a breakup is hard enough without having to worry about “de-friending”, “un-following” and of course the status change. It’s no surprise that when you’re relationship shatters like a men’s tungsten wedding band, social media networks make it a lot more difficult and public than ever before.

Even when the relationship ends on a calm note and its mutual, having your Facebook wall flooded with comments of concern and never-ending questions about what happened, can cause drama and create extra problems. Not to mention, it isn’t easy seeing status updates and pictures posted of your ex and their new significant other.

Your best bet when going through a breakup is to block or unfriend your recent ex to avoid any confrontation and unnecessary drama. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with a virtual break up and the relationship ends with a face-to-face mutual conversation full of “it’s not you it’s me” mumbo-jumbo. Unfortunately though, breaking up through social media is a growing trend that creates an easy way out for those who’d rather not deal with breaking up with someone in person.

Although a public breakup is strenuous for the two parties involved, for others it’s an opening to swoop in and take advantage of the fact that you are newly single and available. With the Facebook Breakup Notifier app, people are able to track when a love interest and potential partner is no longer in a relationship. Do you think this app is a good thing or does it come across as a bit “stalkerish”?

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