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7 Benefits of Hiring a Retail Marketing Agency

As a retail company, you know why you use digital marketing—it connects you with buyers, drives sales, generates leads, and increases brand awareness. But, are you as good at it as you want to be? Because, most companies aren’t. In fact, 75% of marketers admit to missing opportunities for revenue1. So, if you want to end your marketing challenges for good and increase your ROI, it’s time to partner with a retail marketing agency. After all, your competitors are doing everything they can to succeed, are you?

As a retail company, you know why you use digital marketing—it connects you with buyers, drives sales, generates leads, and increases brand awareness. But, are you as good at it as you want to be? Because, most companies aren’t. In fact, 75% of marketers admit to missing opportunities for revenue1. So, if you want to end your marketing challenges for good and increase your ROI, it’s time to partner with a retail marketing agency. After all, your competitors are doing everything they can to succeed, are you?

7 Benefits of Hiring a Retail Marketing Agency

Benefits of hiring a retail marketing agency infographic.

Businesses who outsource their marketing and advertising to a qualified retail marketing agency gain several advantages. Here are some of the benefits they enjoy:

1. A Comprehensive marketing plan Executed by Experts.

Effective retail marketing agencies use diverse strategies that target a variety of platforms. No single company employee will be an expert in every facet or marketing. Nor should they be.

Retail ad agencies also provide more people and more expertise. Because they pool a variety of individuals—each with a unique skill set—they can address all your marketing requirements.

Imagine how your business would grow if every detail of your dream retail marketing plan was addressed with expertise. When you outsource to a retail marketing agency, you gain a comprehensive marketing plan and the manpower to execute it.

2. Less Expensive Labor

Hiring personnel with the right retail advertising expertise is expensive. Many businesses can’t afford the staff they need to beat their competition. Fortunately, retail marketing agencies offer an attractive solution.

Marketing agencies are cheaper than an in-house marketing team.

Chart showing the cost savings of using a retail marketing agency.

A retail marketing agency supplies a skilled workforce to tackle your requirements for less than the cost of full-time in-house hires. Before you hire a content writer for $55,000, a graphic designer for $53,000, and a web designer for $47,000—typical rates for mid-level employees in these fields—get a quote from an ad agency.

Businesses save up to 30% of their marketing budget when they outsource to an agency1.

3. Cheaper Technological Solutions

Businesses conducting 100% of their marketing face an expensive future as internet marketing expands. With technology available for every marketing platform, the cost of staying competitive is high.

Social media and SEO tools quickly add up to over $1,000 per month. Then, there’s the cost of training employees to use these tools. And, the reality that you’ll need to hire staff who can interpret the data that is collected.

A retail advertising agency provides all the technology you’ll ever need. There’s no need to train your staff on how to use it. And, a marketing agency will interpret the data and make recommendations for you.

Retailers can easily save thousands per month just by partnering with a retail marketing company.

4. Continued Growth

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When you rely on an in-house marketing team, marketing expertise leaves with your employees. With the average employee remaining with a company for a little under 5 years2, it can be hard for your marketing staff to keep up.

Digital marketing companies are a source of continuity for businesses. They are always there when you need them, always up to date on new marketing trends, and always ready with the manpower and expertise you need.

When you work with a marketing agency, you don’t need to worry about employee turnover and training. Your brand will continue to grow regardless of staffing changes.

6. Brand Consistency

If you were to layout all your marketing materials from your last marketing campaign on a conference table, would you see marketing messages that are consistent? Chances are you won’t.

Most companies quickly put together brochures and other marketing materials as they’re needed. As a result, their messages lack consistency. When your messages are inconsistent, your customers receive multiple first impressions. But, it takes more than first impressions to convince them to buy.

In order to increase sales, your messaging must be consistent. If you lack the time or expertise to make this happen, partnering with a retail advertising agency will help. Marketing agencies ensure your brand has a central and consistent theme that customers will recognize and enjoy.

7. Less Stress

Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to have your biggest weakness taken care of by experts. Would you feel lighter? Happier? More creative? Probably.

By outsourcing your marketing and advertising needs to an expert team, you can focus on other aspects of your business. How would your business grow if you directed your efforts elsewhere and let a marketing agency broadcast your brand to the world?

Odds are, you’d see amazing growth.

Help—It’s right around the Corner.

Retail Marketing Agency Employee

A lot of companies find themselves at a loss for how to get more out of their marketing.

For instance, many companies struggle to:

  • Produce enough content
  • Publish content consistently
  • Create consistent messaging
  • Measure the results of marketing initiatives
  • Do more with a small budget
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan
  • Identify and target audiences
  • Maintain high sales numbers
  • Understand what’s working and what isn’t

If you’re considering partnering with a marketing agency, you’re moving in the right direction. A marketing agency can help with all of these struggles and more!

In fact, even if a digital marketing agency did just one thing for you, you’d probably see improvements in your business.

So, don’t let your competition poach your customers. Every minute counts. The sooner you start addressing your marketing challenges with an expert team, the sooner you’ll reap the rewards. So, start today.

Sources for post:



For more information about retail marketing, please contact fishbat Digital Marketing Firm today.

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