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Social Media Unites the “Family”: A University Miami Fan’s Dream Come True

​I rarely go a week without wearing at least one piece of clothing that prominently features “The U.” This is often an easy way for people to make fun of me as they question just how many University of Miami shirts I own. The answer to that question is somewhere between zero and a lot (my closet features a lot of green and orange), but that’s beside the point. College football season has begun and that means another season of Miami Hurricanes madness is upon me.

I rarely go a week without wearing at least one piece of clothing that prominently features “The U.” This is often an easy way for people to make fun of me as they question just how many University of Miami shirts I own. The answer to that question is somewhere between zero and a lot (my closet features a lot of green and orange), but that’s beside the point. College football season has begun and that means another season of Miami Hurricanes madness is upon me.

When I was in school it was much easier to follow the team and interact with the fan base because every single person on the campus was a fan; it was never hard to find out the latest news surrounding the team. Now that I’ve grown older (and somewhat wiser) I am back home in New York and can no longer watch every game in the stadium or at the Rathskeller on campus. This makes it a lot tougher to keep up with the team and sometimes the game isn’t even shown on TV by me. Luckily social media has come to the rescue and allowed me to reconnect with the “Canes Family.”

Tomorrow the Hurricanes take the field against Kansas State. While I’m no longer on campus, I can still be a part of the conversation by getting on Twitter and using the hashtag #BeatKState. Miles no longer matter, and the phrase “once a ‘cane always a ‘cane” has never been truer. I log on to Facebook each day and I’m greeted by great images like the one seen below that get me pumped for each game.

This obviously extends out to other schools as well. Alumni all across the nation are connected and don’t have to separate themselves from their colleges as much as they might have had to do in the past.

Social media has helped me stay in touch with a part of my life that I loved. Now, while I do love my alma mater, I wish they’d stop asking for donations while I crawl out from underneath my student loan debt, but as we all know, it’s all about the U.

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