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The Impact Social Media has on Food!

Whoa! Social media and food? Can a combo like that get any better?
People love to eat, especially Americans. From fast food outlets to star restaurants, the industry thrives and loves to serve their customers. However, with the recent economic condition of the U.S. the restaurant industry has been hurting. Well known restaurants in New York City have closed their doors because people were no longer spending money on an evening out.

Whoa! Social media and food? Can a combo like that get any better?

People love to eat, especially Americans. From fast food outlets to star restaurants, the industry thrives and loves to serve their customers. However, with the recent economic condition of the U.S. the restaurant industry has been hurting. Well known restaurants in New York City have closed their doors because people were no longer spending money on an evening out.

Like the old saying goes, “you have to spend money to make money.” Social media is the perfect tool for the restaurant industry. At the end of the day, the amount of money that is spent on a social media campaign run by an online marketing firm will be far less than the return on investment they can expect.

Social media hasn’t failed any company. Or rather, hasn’t failed any company that has done it correctly. If a restaurant were to hire a social media agency, the likelihood of them sticking around greatly increases.

Plus, with more and more people attracted to the book of face, they want to see businesses taking an active initiative. People want to be involved with technology. They want to make reservations online; they want to be able to view the menu before they go. They want to be able to check into Foursquare and be offered a coupon for their meal.

Social media could be the saving grace for the restaurant industry. As many have and are taking the time and investing in social media, they are seeing a large ROI and enjoying business. It would be silly for any place of business not to utilize social media in their business plan. I guarantee to all restaurant owners that business will pick up if you do it right!

Call fishbat at 855-347-4228 if you’d like to learn about working with internet marketing firms.

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