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What To Do With Blank Space On Your Website

​Designing a website is a little bit like interior design. You need to think about where to put your items in relation to the space you have as well as in relation to the other items on the page, and you need to think both practically and in terms of aesthetics. This then means you need to carefully consider the layout of each item on the page and try lots of different combinations before deciding on what look you’re going to settle with.

Designing a website is a little bit like interior design. You need to think about where to put your items in relation to the space you have as well as in relation to the other items on the page, and you need to think both practically and in terms of aesthetics. This then means you need to carefully consider the layout of each item on the page and try lots of different combinations before deciding on what look you’re going to settle with.

However, deciding on what to do with the elements on your web page is often easier than deciding what to do when you don’t have enough separate elements. In other words, once you’ve used up all of your different images, buttons and blocks of text and they’re all arranged on the page – what do you do if there’s still a big chunk of empty space on the page. Here we will look at how to make the best use of that space and present a few different options for you to try out.

Twitter Feed

Placing a Twitter feed on your website has a lot of merit in many ways. For one this is great advertising for your Twitter profile in itself (which is a valuable asset in its own right) and this can help you to get more followers that you can then subsequently market to. At the same time doing this will ensure that your site never looks static or go without an update. While it won’t necessarily boost your SEO, it will ensure that your visitors know this isn’t a site or a project that has been abandoned.

Mailing List

A mailing list is one of the most valuable additions to any site as it gives you a huge list of potential future customers or clients that you can market to directly – which will help to make returning visitors of them or better yet get them to buy an ebook or another product. At the same time, make sure that you include some kind of incentive such as a free e-book which will make them likely to actually sign up. Otherwise it’s just wasted space.

More Advertising

You don’t want to cram your page up with AdSense of course, and doing so can these days get your site penalized and forced down the SERPs by Google. However if you want to include more advertising and thus potentially monetize your site more, you can still do so in a number of ways – by selling your own product for instance or selling an affiliate’s product. Just don’t make your site look too busy or the adverts too ‘in your face’ or you’ll scare away potential visitors.

Leave it Blank

There is actually value in leaving that blank space exactly as it is however. Having a page that is too busy can be confusing for visitors and it can make it more difficult for them to find what they’re looking for on your site. By leaving the page blank, the individual elements you do include will stand out more and your page will be more calming to spend time on. Of course you could also opt to put nothing here, but to instead enlarge a particular element of your site, or just to move things around slightly so that the blank space is at a more logical point on the page and something else gets more focus. Just like interior design…

Images Courtesy of Creative Commons image source image source

Peter is an expert web designer and an avid blogger. He suggests all business firms to do a thorough research online before choosing a website builders ct to boost their online presence.

Consult fishbat Online Marketing Firm for a free consultation.

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