Following Felix Baumgartner’s “Space Jump” and its effect across multiple social media channels, social media agency, fishbat Inc., releases statement.
Following Felix Baumgartner’s “Space Jump” and its effect across multiple social media channels, social media agency, fishbat Inc., releases statement.
On October 26, 2012, social media agency, fishbat, Inc., releases a statement following Felix Baumgartner’s “Space Jump” and its effect across multiple social media channels.
According to Mashable, as part of Red Bull’s Stratos Jump, “Baumgartner jumped from a capsule dangling from a balloon at 128,120 feet Sunday, breaking the record for the highest altitude skydive in history.”
“This may have been the largest social media event that’s happened in history,” says COO of fishbat, Inc., a social media agency, Scott Darrohn. Mashable reports that the event had more than 8 million people watching a live stream on YouTube. Furthermore, the event’s Facebook page received 690,000 likes, something that Darrohn states displays the magnitude of not only the space jump but also the potential power of social media.
Mashable goes on to state, “Baumgartner’s top speed was officially Mach 1.24, or 833.9 miles per hour, making him the first human to break the sound barrier outside of an aircraft.” Additionally, this was a record breaking event in terms of social media, with the viewership of the YouTube live stream of the jump “breaking all records by orders of magnitude.”
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