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Blog Writing: The Do’s and Don’ts Companies Must Know

Blog Writing

When it comes to the importance of blog writing, the numbers don’t lie. Did you know that there are well over 150 million active blogs online today? Furthermore, on WordPress alone, there are roughly 70 million posts published on a monthly basis. To put it simply, blogs have become a staple of the Internet. They provide users with content that serves various purposes, including providing entertainment or offering insight. Many companies leave their blogging endeavors to third parties, such as an independent writer or a full-service Internet marketing company, but what about those that opt to take content creation in-house?

Not unlike SEO, social media management, growth marketing, or any other digital service, there are right and wrong ways to perform blog writing. The best posts can yield high traffic, resulting in increased website engagement and, in certain cases, leads. With this in mind, it’s important to know how to maintain a blog through its content. To this end, here are the do’s and don’ts companies must know during the content creation process.

Know which platform to use. There are many content management systems that blogs are built upon, with some being more common than others. WordPress is arguably the most prominent name, as it features a user-friendly interface and a variety of plug-ins. The latter can be used to help with such aspects as SEO, readability, and spam filtering, so it’s worthwhile to experiment with different options. Other CMS options include, but aren’t limited to, Joomla, Squarespace, and Magneto. Regardless of the platform, anticipate a period of learning to become accustomed to it.

Blog Writing

Emphasize long-form content. In short, low-effort content won’t do when it comes to blog writing. It’s recommended that a post should be at least 300 words in length, but it can be argued that even this is on the short side. It’s recommended that a blog post be, at the very least, 800 words to perform well. Of course, length will vary depending on the content being produced. Not all topics will have the substance that allows for extensive posts. Keep in mind, though, that long-form content aids in SEO and keeps readers engaged, ensuring that they don’t click away immediately after arrival.

Utilize different blog post formats. Blog posts come in various forms, much like the aforementioned platforms they’re hosted on, so it pays to utilize them. Posts that are comprised of lists, such as “the top ten tips” to help oneself are incredibly popular. Not only do these provide useful information, but they are easy to consume. Blog posts can also offer reviews on products and services, which allows readers to determine whether they’re worth purchasing. These are just a few possible directions for content to take. A business would be wise not to box themselves, from a content standpoint, as it may inhibit their ability to grow their blog.

Encourage user activity. The best blog posts encourage readers to become involved in conversations. When a post is open-ended, requesting that readers leave comments, it provides a platform to further the points made in the content. Furthermore, this provides businesses with a better understanding of their audience. They can examine what users are interested in learning, which can clue them in on buying habits. These are just a few benefits of encouraging user activity in blog posts, so consider creating content that invites readers to chime in.

Include a call-to-action if applicable. While a blog post can provide information or value in general, its potency can grow with a call-to-action. Essentially, a CTA is a prompt that a user may follow at a content creator’s request. Case and point, once a user reads a blog post, they may see a request to sign up for a newsletter at the end. The user will be inclined to do so if they deemed the post’s content valuable. Other potential CTAs range from visiting another internal webpage or following a company on social media. Keep in mind that CTAs may not always apply to blog posts, but in situations where they do, it’s recommended that they are included.

Proofread content before publishing. This may go without saying, but the importance of proofreading can’t be emphasized enough. Prior to publishing, content should be given a once-over, ensuring that spelling and grammatical errors are nonexistent. This is especially true for business blogs, as content is a direct reflection of companies. If a content creator has access to a team, peer reviews are recommended. These provide creators with other perspectives, which helps with picking up errors that might have been missed initially. No matter how well-written a piece of content is, proofreading will make it stand out that much more.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service social media marketing agency based in Long Island, New York. Utilizing the latest technologies and forward-thinking strategies, fishbat is able to create marketing plans that are tailor-made for specific needs and goals. The services that fishbat provides include, but aren’t limited to, social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and branding. With these, businesses will be able to market directly to their audiences, increasing traffic, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

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