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Content Curation: The Questions and Answers to Know

Content Curation Questions and Answers

Generally speaking, content curation is the process by which digital content is researched and discovered before being used to present specific pieces in the best ways. This can be as simple as sharing a link to a valuable blog post, but more often than not, the process is incredibly layered, such as sharing social media insights from industry leaders in an easy-to-read whitepaper. Not unlike how a museum or art gallery curates artifacts or paintings, the end game is for the most important pieces to be displayed. With this in mind, here are some of the content curation questions and answers that social media and digital marketing agencies can provide to clients.

“What are some other examples of content curation?” The aforementioned museum and art gallery examples speak more so toward traditional content, so let’s touch on an example that relates more to digital media. Imagine that a marketer has a client meeting to discuss the benefits of advertising on Facebook. To help them in this effort, the marketer in question may perform extensive research, looking up facts and statistics that speak positively to Facebook marketing. From there, they will take the most crucial pieces of information, compiling them in a digestible, easy-to-read fashion. Essentially, when digital content is gathered and presented well, this constitutes content curation.

“Aren’t content marketing and content curation the same?” While it may seem like the terms at play are interchangeable, they aren’t the same. In fact, there are stark differences between the two that business owners should be privy to. Content marketing, for those not in the know, involves creating original content. This can be in regard to blog posts, press releases, videos, or podcasts, just to name a few examples. Meanwhile, content curation refers specifically to researching and gathering information from numerous sources. Content marketing and curation shouldn’t be confused with one another.

Content Curation Questions and Answers 1

“What are the benefits of curating digital content?” When discussing the benefits of content curation, there are many points to touch on. First, did you know that this practice will position you as a thought leader? Imagine that you are the owner of a food and beverage company; by putting forth solid content that speaks to this industry, you’re able to showcase knowledge and expertise that’s expected of a leading name. Second, by curating content, you can save time on your digital marketing efforts, as you’ll essentially repurpose the work of others, presenting it in a new way. These are just a few benefits that business owners stand to gain by curating digital content.

“How should I go about content curation?” Like any digital marketing practice, curating content should be done with care. Otherwise, the extensive time and effort committed to this won’t be as worthwhile as it should. One of the most important rules of thumb to follow is to source your work. When information is gathered around the Internet, it’s safe to assume that different pieces will come from different sources. With this in mind, properly credit your findings. Furthermore, from a general content standpoint, be sure to include original content in addition to curated material. By doing this, you stand a greater chance of maintaining the attention of your target audience.

“Does content curation play into other digital marketing efforts?” In a word, yes. One of the benefits of a comprehensive digital marketing plan is that different services work together to produce results. What this means is that if you implement a content curation plan, your other marketing initiatives will be positively impacted. Such initiatives range from social media management to search engine optimization to influencer outreach and beyond. No matter what your specific marketing approach entails, all moving parts will work together.

“I’m interested in learning more; how can I get started?” With this information in mind, you may be sold on the idea of using content curation as a service to aid your business. To do so, speak to a reputable marketer. Case and point, if you own or operate a business on Long Island, it would be in your best interest to consult a New York digital marketing company. Not only will they be local, but depending on the company you speak to, you will have access to a range of services to bring your business to the next level. From SEO to social media outreach to content curation, you can rest easy knowing that your Internet marketing efforts will be in good hands.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service Long Island marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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