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YouTube Shorts: What Online Marketers Should Know

YouTube Shorts

Released globally in July of 2021, YouTube shorts is one of the newest video-sharing platforms. Existing under the broad YouTube umbrella, Shorts focuses on short-form video content, hence the name. The content in question may appear limited on the surface, but content creators have been able to leverage the platform in question, bringing more attention to their broader work. Simply put, this program houses great potential, not only for independent creators but social media agencies that may use this technology in the future. For a better understanding of what YouTube shorts entails, as a platform, here are a few things that online marketers should know.

“What, exactly, is YouTube Shorts?” In general terms, this is a platform that allows content creators to create short-form videos with 60-second time limits. Shorts was originally released in beta form in India back in September of 2020. By the following March, users in the United States were given access to the beta before the full version went live in July. Not unlike TikTok, Shorts prioritizes bite-sized content that users can edit and customize in different ways, such as incorporating captions or music. This is a general overview of YouTube Shorts, though it should provide a foundation for content creators and marketers to work from.

“How do I make a YouTube short?” Now that you have an understanding of what the YouTube Shorts platform entails, you may wish to create your own content. Start by downloading the YouTube app, which is available on mobile device marketplaces across the board. Once you log in, click on the “+” sign and go to “Create a Short.” This is where you can record footage spanning from 15 to 60 seconds, add special effects, adjust the speed, and more. Once you’re done, you can make final edits and publish your Short, making it available on your channel and via YouTube’s search engine.

YouTube Shorts 1

“What are some key features that will make recording Shorts easier?” If you don’t fancy yourself a professional video editor, YouTube Shorts has enough features to make piecing content together effortless. For example, imagine that you have multiple smaller clips that you’d like to string together to create a 60-second Short; you can use the app’s multi-segment camera to make this happen. You can also use the app’s expansive library of music to give your content licensed audio. Throw in a standard countdown and timer for hands-free recording and it’s easy to see that this program is multifaceted.

“What are some common ways to use YouTube Shorts?” There are several ways that this content can be utilized. For example, you may wish to use Shorts to bring more attention to the long-form content that your channel has to offer. Shorts can provide teasers, showing what you can offer viewers that commit the time to watch you. Shorts may also help with providing content that doesn’t need much in the way of polishing, such as a behind-the-scenes look at a company or product demonstration. Keep in mind that you aren’t limited to these possibilities, so experiment with different types of content when possible.

“How will others find my YouTube Shorts?” If you’re concerned about visibility, rest easy knowing that Shorts can be seen in different ways. For example, on the homepage, there will be a dedicated section for Shorts based on user interests, so depending on what a user searched for in the past, your short-form content may appear in their feed. Shorts can also be seen if a user has their notifications on or is subscribed to a particular channel. With these points in mind, you won’t have to worry about your short-form content becoming lost in the shuffle.

“Do Shorts views count toward channel monetization?” Those that use YouTube as a major platform or would like to do so in the future may know how Shorts counts toward monetization. In other words, will a user be able to make money from this short-form content? The simple answer to this question would be, no. Shorts views will not count toward eligibility in the YouTube Partner Program, which allows users to monetize standard content. Keep in mind, however, that views on Shorts will count toward a channel’s total watch time; this will be important for content creators and businesses collecting accurate data. To learn how to monetize, not to mention maximize, your business’s YouTube channel, consult a New York social media agency in your area.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service New York digital marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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