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Designing Your Website From a Business Perspective

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When you design your first website or help your web design company to do so, this can be a lot of fun and very exciting. Most likely you have some kind of plans and vision for your website and you probably know in your mind’s eye precisely how you want it to look. While this is all very nice though, it does create a danger that you might end up forgetting the practical aspect of your website. A website is of course first and foremost a business asset, and chances are that you are designing it either to be monetized, or so that you can promote your business.

When you design your first website or help your web design company to do so, this can be a lot of fun and very exciting. Most likely you have some kind of plans and vision for your website and you probably know in your mind’s eye precisely how you want it to look. While this is all very nice though, it does create a danger that you might end up forgetting the practical aspect of your website. A website is of course first and foremost a business asset, and chances are that you are designing it either to be monetized, or so that you can promote your business.

Thus it’s important to make sure that you don’t get too carried away with the fun of it all, and that you remember to stay grounded and make sure that it’s actually going to work in this business capacity. Enjoy yourself by all means, but remember to be realistic from time to time too. Here we will look at a few things to check and ask yourself when designing your website to ensure it will be efficient at making you money.

What do you want to be the first thing your visitors do?

When someone visits your site and lands on your home page, where do you want them to go next? If you can’t answer this question confidently then you aren’t making the most of the traffic you’re getting, because they’ll likely just browse around aimlessly or come down with a severe case of ‘options paralysis’.

On the other hand, if you provide your visitors with only really one avenue to go down and funnel them where you want them, then you can then ensure that each customer sees what you want them to see and increase the likelihood that they subscribe/buy/comment in the forum.

Is it search optimized?

Too many businesses and entrepreneurs will create a website and only start doing the SEO they need to promote it. This is all good and well, but of course it’s much better if you consider this right from the outset. For instance, are you using text headers or images that can’t be indexed? Are you up to date with the current Google guidelines for developers and algorithms (look up the ‘fold algorithm’)? And could you implement a site map to encourage the indexing of new sites?

Is it easy to grow?

When you make a website you don’t want it to be static – you want it to grow over time so that it has more and more to offer. To make this as easy as possible you need to consider things such as content management, such as the layout of the pages and the menus and such as the organization of the content.

Will it work on multiple devices?

When you create your site you need to make sure it’s going to work on as many devices as possible so that you can get as much of the market as you can. Everyone knows that they should make their sites work on different monitor sizes and resolutions, but think too about whether your site will work well with a touch interface for instance – things like ‘onhover’ drop down menus just aren’t practical for most users.

Courtesy of Creative Commons image source

Patrick James works with Yarra Web and is one of the finest Web Designers, who designs unique websites depending on one’s business needs.

Interested in SEO services? Contact fishbat Long Island Search Engine Marketing to learn more.

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