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Facebook to Introduce Interest Lists

​Facebook is currently in the middle of testing and rolling out new list features for personal profiles. Interest Lists are an extension of Friends Lists, which allow users to separate their friends into different groups and give them different levels of Facebook profile access. Interest Lists will allow individuals to group pages they “Like” into categories, for example ‘Food’ or ‘Celebrities’. They will also allow users to select which group they would like to see in their news feed. Finally, you can also subscribe to lists that other users have made. Interest Lists are similar to Twitter Lists and Google+ Circles.

Facebook is currently in the middle of testing and rolling out new list features for personal profiles. Interest Lists are an extension of Friends Lists, which allow users to separate their friends into different groups and give them different levels of Facebook profile access. Interest Lists will allow individuals to group pages they “Like” into categories, for example ‘Food’ or ‘Celebrities’. They will also allow users to select which group they would like to see in their news feed. Finally, you can also subscribe to lists that other users have made. Interest Lists are similar to Twitter Lists and Google+ Circles.

For individual users, Interest Lists allow for much more control over the news feed. Want to read about the latest news? Select the appropriate Interest List and status updates from all of the news outlets you “Like” will pop up in your news feed. Want to find out what’s happening with your favorite sports teams? Simply switch Interest Lists and watch as your news feed repopulates with status updates from sports teams you have “Liked” in the past. The only downfall here is that viral discovery on Facebook may suffer – if users use lists too much, they are less likely to discover content outside of the lists they have already made.

Interest Lists will also affect the way brands utilize Facebook. It can be beneficial if your fans place you into lists they access frequently, but detrimental if you do not make it into any lists. Because of this, brands will have to work even harder at making sure their content is engaging and useful to their fans. Brands should keep an eye on their Facebook Insights when Interest Lists are announced to see if their Impressions increase or decrease.

Call fishbat at 855-347-4228 for details regarding SEO, branding, social media advertising, and other digital services.

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