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Facebook Wins, Google Loses; Apple Always Wins

If you haven’t heard already, Apple has relieved Google of their duties as the primary map provider for IOS. It’s about time! The Google Map app was great for finding addresses and such and knowing your own location. However, there was no turn by turn navigation! Regardless of whether or not my car has navigation, I would like to know that my phone has the capability of doing so just in case my friend drives, for example. Call me a worry-wart, but it’s something worth worrying about. So, Google lost in that respect.

Sorry Google; you just got ousted!

If you haven’t heard already, Apple has relieved Google of their duties as the primary map provider for IOS. It’s about time! The Google Map app was great for finding addresses and such and knowing your own location. However, there was no turn by turn navigation! Regardless of whether or not my car has navigation, I would like to know that my phone has the capability of doing so just in case my friend drives, for example. Call me a worry-wart, but it’s something worth worrying about. So, Google lost in that respect.

Facebook on the other hand, scored BIG TIME. Much like when Twitter was integrated into the IOS platform, Facebook will now be doing the same. Users will be able to post directly to the wall, import friend information into their contacts, import events from Facebook into your calendar, or ask Siri to post for you. It is kind of ridiculous the amount of stuff that the new IOS will offer, but for Facebook we can call it an epic win.

For the social media marketing world as a whole, this Facebook iPhone integration is huge. If you have an iPhone, it will almost be essential to have Facebook as it is a major part of the device as a whole. The amount of people on Facebook will grow, even though it constantly does. For us community managers, it is important that we embrace these new users with valuable content on our clients’ pages for them to find and “Like.”

In the end, any Apple advancement benefits not only Apple but everything it comes into contact with. It makes life easier, more accessible, and even more fun and social. It is important that people take part in their social media activities and with Apple, it is becoming easier and easier.

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