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Facebook has Taken Over the World

​We know that it’s rare to come across a person who doesn’t have some sort of social media account. A social media strategist Vincenzo Cosenza has even said that if Facebook was a virus, nearly the whole world would have succumbed to it already. And he’s not wrong.

We know that it’s rare to come across a person who doesn’t have some sort of social media account. A social media strategist Vincenzo Cosenza has even said that if Facebook was a virus, nearly the whole world would have succumbed to it already. And he’s not wrong.

Cosenza analyzed 137 countries to see how many people are on Facebook and put together a world map of social networks that shows just what the most popular social network is, as a result of a combination of Alexa and Google Trends for Websites Traffic data. According to this data, Facebook is in 126 of the 137 countries that were taken into account.

Surprisingly, America wasn’t the country that showed to have the most users on Facebook, but rather it was Europe that came out on top with 232 million users compared to North America’s 222 million users. According to research performed on comScore, America’s unique Facebook visitors only increased by 5% from April 2011 to April 2012, which lists Facebook as the lowest U.S growth rate. This data also lets us see that 71% of the 221 million U.S Internet users are on Facebook.

Of course other social media networking sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, QZone and Zing still remain in full effect by millions of users in the U.S and other countries. Twitter, for example is the second most popular site in countries such as the U.S, Sweden and the U.K and LinkedIn is the second in Australia, Denmark, India, Finland and Canada.

Although research shows that the spread of Zuckerberg’s creation has been slowing, I don’t think that the worldwide social media network will be outranked anytime soon, even by popular upcoming social sites.

Please contact social media marketing agency fishbat for a free business consultation.

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