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Have Smartphones Lengthened Work Hours?

​I truly enjoy owning an iPhone. I have a massive iPhone case to make sure nothing bad happens to my phone. There are tons of useful apps and I constantly feel connected to the rest of the world. With Facebook, Twitter, and any other social network at my fingertips I never feel like I am missing anything. As a social media community manager this is great, I don’t want to feel like I’m missing comments or not answering fans/followers questions.

I truly enjoy owning an iPhone. I have a massive iPhone case to make sure nothing bad happens to my phone. There are tons of useful apps and I constantly feel connected to the rest of the world. With Facebook, Twitter, and any other social network at my fingertips I never feel like I am missing anything. As a social media community manager this is great, I don’t want to feel like I’m missing comments or not answering fans/followers questions.

As a social media community manager this is also a terrible thing. I am constantly connected to work and never really feel like I’m “off”. Whenever I go on Facebook I’ll check to see if any of the pages I run have new notifications. If they do I don’t have the ability to ignore them, they pull me in and I must check them. Someone new posted on my page’s timeline? I better check to see what they said so I can answer them immediately. I enjoy my job and I enjoy answering the fans/followers, but it’s this constant connectedness that has me worried.

Next month I am going away to the Poconos for a week. This means I will be in the mountains without any service on my phone. I’ll truly be away from work completely for a week. I’m not sure how I feel about this and as I’m relatively new within my company it’s not something I’ve ever faced. What if my coworkers ignore my fans and followers? What if a status update contains a minor typo? I trust the people I work with so I know none of this will happen, but I feel like I’m watching my kid go away to camp for the first time. I know everything will be fine, but it still doesn’t feel right.

So have smartphones lengthened work hours? In my case, yes. I’m always checking my pages and my emails to make sure I’m not missing anything urgent. For people in different fields I’m sure their phone doesn’t keep them “clocked in” quite as much as mine does. It’s a gift and a curse.

To learn more about platforms including Facebook and Twitter, please contact New York Social Media Agency fishbat.

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