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How Social can the Olympics Become?

​In today’s world of marketing you need to think outside of traditional media. More often than not this means trying to figure out a way to make your brand more “social”. The International Olympic Committee has set out to make the Olympics a social experience and they intend to increase fans’ “engagement” with the entire Olympics spectacle.

In today’s world of marketing you need to think outside of traditional media. More often than not this means trying to figure out a way to make your brand more “social”. The International Olympic Committee has set out to make the Olympics a social experience and they intend to increase fans’ “engagement” with the entire Olympics spectacle.

The first way they are setting out to do this is by hosting live chats on a webpage they are calling “Inside the Olympic Village”. These live chats will help fans get to know their favorite Olympic athletes better than ever before and also allow fans to feel like they have access to their country’s Olympic team members. Previously fans could sometimes feel distant from the competitors besides the major stars who get all of the press. “Inside the Olympic Village” will allow fans to get access and information that they could not get any other way.

Instagram will also be teaming up with the International Olympic Committee for an initiative they are calling “Faces of Olympians.” Throughout the duration of the Olympic games there will be photos taken of athletes’ “game faces.” These photos will be distributed via the official Olympics Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr accounts.

Besides these initiatives, the International Olympic Committee is hoping to see more organic activity on social media platforms than ever before. If Michael Phelps wins a race they want to see a multitude of tweets talking about how great he is. Even though it’s been just two years since the last Olympic games, the world is now more “social” than ever before and it can be assumed that this will be the most tweeted about Olympics to date.

It will be interesting to see how the social media community reacts to the Olympic games after the opening ceremonies. Do you plan on posting about the Olympics on your social media accounts?

For more information about social media services, please contact internet marketing firm fishbat today.

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