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Organ Donation Through Facebook?

​So, you’ve probably heard the recent announcement that Mark Zuckerberg is trying to get people to mark that they are organic donors on Facebook. This certainly is an interesting idea.

So, you’ve probably heard the recent announcement that Mark Zuckerberg is trying to get people to mark that they are organic donors on Facebook. This certainly is an interesting idea.

This story is especially interesting for me because I have attempted to become an organ donor for years. No, I don’t mean I’ve tried to give somebody a kidney. In New York, you become an organ donor by signing the back of your driver’s license. The moment I got my license I wanted to be a donor so, the idea of marking something off on my Facebook is a great idea to me.

However, how does it work? Are they expecting surgeons hanging out in morgues desperately going through people’s Facebook pages in hopes of finding the right people?

What the media should be reporting is that you can sign up to be an organ donor online at organ donor registries, and then you could post about this on Facebook. It certainly doesn’t mean that you just need to make a post saying “I’m an organ donor.” Facebook really is actually pretty tangential to the whole process.

While I certainly have nothing against people trying to bring attention to the issue of organ donation, it feels a bit odd to me that Mark Zuckerberg would bring Facebook’s tendrils into this process. We’ve seen enough of him; here, the organ donors themselves need to be the star.

Please contact fishbat if you’re interested in hiring a New York social media agency.

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