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Pinterest is the Next Best Social Media Marketing Tool

​Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook and Twitter posts by my friends of all these different pictures. I was curious one day so I clicked on one and it brought me to a website called Pinterest. I’ve been hooked ever since! Pinterest is a new social media site in which you create boards for your different interests and as you surf the web you can pin images that you come across that you like.

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook and Twitter posts by my friends of all these different pictures. I was curious one day so I clicked on one and it brought me to a website called Pinterest. I’ve been hooked ever since! Pinterest is a new social media site in which you create boards for your different interests and as you surf the web you can pin images that you come across that you like.

It’s a virtual scrapbook, or bulletin board. All you have to do is create an account, download the “pin” button to your toolbar and start surfing the web! Pinterest is positively addicting, I can say that from experience, and it also makes life a little more organized in a way.

I am always surfing the web for recipes and now when I find something I like, I can just pin it to my “favorite recipes” board and then always have them in one spot, easy to find. I also have to confess that I am a frequent online shopper. Now when I’m shopping online I can pin all the things I want to buy to a board and then go back and get them (when I can actually afford them).

Even better, your Pinterest boards are public and you can follow other people to see what they’re pinning and your friends can follow you. So when I pin things I want, my friends can just look at my board. If they really love me, maybe they’ll buy stuff for me (fat chance).

Pinterest is becoming very popular, very quickly. The way the whole site works makes marketing almost too easy. A business or company would be silly not to take advantage of this social media marketing opportunity. When people are surfing the web and pinning images to their boards, those images are all connected with a link back to that website.

When I pin a pair of jeans to my “I want these!” board, my followers will click on the picture and then they will be brought to the website I found the image on. This creates a lot of website traffic and these websites are being more exposed. They’re practically getting free advertisement from the Pinterest users.

Call fishbat Social Media Agency at 855-347-4228 for a free consultation.

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