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Press Release: Clay Darrohn, “Big Tuna” at Social Media Agency fishbat, Inc. Attends the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo

​Award-winning social media agency fishbat, Inc. attended the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo (LICREE) on March 12th, 2013, where fishbat’s own Clay Darrohn spoke about the value of quality content in online marketing.

Award-winning social media agency fishbat, Inc. attended the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo (LICREE) on March 12th, 2013, where fishbat’s own Clay Darrohn spoke about the value of quality content in online marketing.

Social media agency fishbat, Inc. attended the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo (LICREE) on March 12th, where fishbat CEO Clay Darrohn spoke about the value of content in social media and online marketing strategies.

The event took place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m at the Hilton Long Island, 598 Broad Hollow Rd., Melville, N.Y, and included a trade floor exhibition with over 80 local businesses connected to the real estate industry.

Mark Neuwirt, producer of the LICREE, said, “It’s the one day a year that Long Island businesses, entrepreneurs and friends can gather to discuss the state of the real estate industry and how we can help each other out. We designed this expo to provide the information and tools necessary for business to thrive on Long Island – especially in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.”

fishbat, voted Best Social Media Agency in the 2012 Best of LI Awards, was one of the businesses featured at the event. The company’s presentation painted a picture for local businesses, showing just how much social media can help increase their revenue, and how important social media tools like Facebook and Pinterest are for a business looking to dramatically increase its reach-out to consumers.

With Hurricane Sandy hurting Long Island’s biz development, the LICREE was focused on showing business owners the latest products and services so that they could stay updated. The LICREE offered seminars and educational classes to help businesses get back on their feet.

fishbat’s own Clay Darrohn, the agency’s CEO, attended the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo and was one of the featured speakers. Darrohn spoke about the content value of social media, and touched on issues relating to digital marketing, noting that “social media plays a big part in influencing people’s decisions.” Darrohn also mentioned that social media can “encompass all the basic principles of how a business started, but without the right content, it’s all technical and skeletal.”

Darrohn asserted that content “is the way you can actually insert yourself into conversations that are already happening and that are relevant to your brand. We’ve been doing this a long time – long enough to see that reaching out with these platforms can bring real results. Your digital marketing strategy for 2013 could make all the difference for your business.”

fishbat, Inc. is a full service online marketing firm and social media agency. Through social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and public relations, fishbat strives as a marketing firm to raise awareness about your brand and strengthen your corporate image.

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