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Prezi: Now Making Your Presentations Sound Great

Whether we like it or not, a presentation can make or break the big account you need for your company’s success. Most businesses are accustomed to the practical and popular Power Point, a slide show presentation created by Microsoft. However, Power Point has seen a new rival emerge over the last few years; Prezi.

Whether we like it or not, a presentation can make or break the big account you need for your company’s success. Most businesses are accustomed to the practical and popular Power Point, a slide show presentation created by Microsoft. However, Power Point has seen a new rival emerge over the last few years; Prezi.

Prezi has grown since its inception back 2009 to a tremendous 250 million+ users. Prezi, a presentation program that swoops and zooms information across your iPad or desktop screen, is making waves and impressing potential clients. Prezi, predominately a visual program, has evolved with the use of audio making presentations pop like a jar full of fleas.

According to TechCrunch, the new audio feature allows users to add sound to the different path points that customers use to build and organize their presentations. Customers may also use the audio feature to make soundtracks for their presentations.

With the new audio feature, Prezi will most likely cast an impressive shadow over Microsoft’s boring Power Point which closely resembles the slide show theatre your Grandma used to make you sit through.

So how can Prezi help you land the big account?

  • New and Fresh

Prezi is still new in comparison to Power Point. Most presentations are done in old fashioned slide show so a new program that swoops like Superman will impress any client.

  • Creative

A creative presentation will show what your company is made of. If a particular client is looking for something edgy and worth their while, the presentation should WOW them. You are the artist of this presentation and are almost unlimited to the potential myriad of ways you can show off your best work.

  • Engaging

A slide show is just that. A Prezi however is an experience. According to Business Management Daily, no matter how well a speaker serves up data, few listeners will remember it. Creating a well thought out presentation with colors, sounds and action is just asking for that potential client to sign up.

A presentation is as strong as its speaker. Remember that Prezi is a fancy tool but not the representative of your company. Know your presentation through and through and have fun presenting it because you’re in for a fun ride.

Check out my Prezi on Blogging and critique below. (Audio was not available during the creation of this Prezi)

Please call Digital Marketing Agency fishbat at 855-347-4228 for a free consultation.

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