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Press Release: Social Media Agency fishbat says “Bring on the Panda!” as Google Updates Algorithm

​Following the Google Panda update this past month, social media agency fishbat, Inc. says it is ready to provide the best and most successful SEO tactics for clients’ strategy.

Following the Google Panda update this past month, social media agency fishbat, Inc. says it is ready to provide the best and most successful SEO tactics for clients’ strategy.

On March 24, social media agency fishbat, Inc. responds to the recent Google Panda updates insisting that the best search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and a focus on quality content will be used to further their clients’ branding strategies.

During SMX West earlier this month, reports Search Engine Round Table, Google’s Matt Cutts announced that this year’s Panda update “will be more of a rolling update, as opposed to what it has been as a manually pushed out update.”

According to Search Engine Land, Matt Cutts had commented on the Penguin 2013 update which he thinks will be “one of the more talked about Google algorithm updates this year.”

Google’s search quality team is working on a major update to the Penguin algorithm, which Cutts called very significant, reports Search Engine Land.

fishbat COO and SEO Director Scott Darrohn comments on the Google updates as unsurprising and expected. “Google has been releasing Panda and Penguin updates for some time now, so it confuses me when other agencies are caught by surprise like this. We continue to see major digital marketing outfits fall hard when their strategies are crushed by these updates, and it’s bewildering.”

Darrohn describes the Google updates as ‘mob hits’ for their secrecy amongst SEO circles. “Google wants to be like Ray Liotta from Goodfellas – ‘They want to be a gangster. To be a gangster was to own the world.’ Google owns the SEO world and everyone is scared of them.”

Asked if fishbat was scared of the updates, Darrohn’s confident reply was, “We offer SEO that adheres to Google’s algorithm guidelines. Integrity is a high priority for us.
There is no under the table business here, just hard working staff and excellent content. When the updates roll around each time, all of us in the office cry out ‘Bring on the Panda!’ We love to have a good time here, and we care about producing quality work.”

Darrohn reassures those who have implemented improper SEO strategies, saying that there is a way to stay on top of the updates as they are released. “fishbat has a thorough understanding of SEO and will work with any client to improve their site traffic and rankings. We look forward to the challenges set forth by Google.”

fishbat, Inc. is a full-service online marketing firm and social media agency. We’re branding experts that can help your business be a part of the conversations that are already happening. Through social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and public relations, we can raise awareness about your brand, strengthen your corporate image, and place your business in front of your ideal audience.

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