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Press Release Week Part Four: Public Relations, or, How to Write One!

​Here at the Fishbat Blog we’re closing out our first theme week and we figured we would focus on the simplest and most-overlooked part of any public relations plan: the press release. Often quickly written and rarely read, press releases can be vastly improved upon. And, chances are, if you’re writing a press release, you’re doing it wrong.

Here at the Fishbat Blog we’re closing out our first theme week and we figured we would focus on the simplest and most-overlooked part of any public relations plan: the press release. Often quickly written and rarely read, press releases can be vastly improved upon. And, chances are, if you’re writing a press release, you’re doing it wrong.

First off, brevity is the soul of wit. I’m going to explain that in a longwinded manner. In the days of print, a press release should’ve been about 400 words. Now that we live in the future, if you’re writing more than two hundred words, about as much as can be read on a screen without scrolling, you’re doing too much.

Secondly, remember that public relations is about grabbing people’s attentions. Even though you only have two hundred words to work with, most people won’t read more than ten. So, make your first sentence, really count. We at fishbat internet marketing agency specializing in this.

Thirdly, the holy grail of public relations: make it sound like a story. Everything’s on fast-forward these days; journalists are going to prefer if they can copy your text exactly, so make sure it reads like something they can use: full sentences, quotes, details, etc.

And lastly, make sure that you include your contact information. Nobody is going to spend more than ten seconds trying to find you, so if you want people to publish your press release, you better make it easy for them to reach you or your public relations department.

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