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Press Release Week Part Two: Social Media, or, Market Segmentation for Fun and Profit

​Now that we’re underway with press release week, I figured we could talk about what everybody is talking about already: social media. Well, we’re talking about it (but we are a social media marketing agency) Like it or not, the social media revolution has touched each and every one of us in a variety of ways and its effect on our culture is undeniable.

Now that we’re underway with press release week, I figured we could talk about what everybody is talking about already: social media. Well, we’re talking about it (but we are a social media agency) Like it or not, the social media revolution has touched each and every one of us in a variety of ways and its effect on our culture is undeniable.

So, where does a press release fit in? It certainly doesn’t seem to matter much in a world of character limits and continuously updating newsfeeds, but the truth is that the humble press release, the mainstay for communications for decades, is still finding new uses online by social media agencies.

When it was once the first line of any social media agency’s communications offense, hopefully piquing a reader’s interest to find out more, nowadays, with our shorter attention spans, it’s going to be the very last thing the average person is going to want to read. And, chances are, most people aren’t going to want to read more than what your social media agency posted in Facebook or Twitter.

But, as always, there are going to be people who are going to want more. Best practice is for a social media agency to include a link to a press release to serve as more information for every post that warrants it. This way, if they want more, they can find it out.

What warrants a link to a press release, you might ask. Well, anything that you would be writing a press release for anyway. Of course, your social media agency should be announcing your press releases on social media anyway, but if aren’t in that habit yet, you should get started on it.

For information about press release writing services, contact fishbat Social Media Company today.

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