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Social Media Marketing on the Rise

​Everywhere you turn these days, there’s a new social network being founded or people are using social media tools for various purposes. Marketing and advertising with social media has skyrocketed to an all-time high within the last two years- and won’t be stopped now. Many people and companies are realizing more and more the potential that social media marketing and brand awareness has for their business. According to EXHIBITOR Media Group’s recent social media marketing survey ( which is a follow up to a 2010 benchmark survey) marketers that use social media in their exhibition programs, increased by 90%. Not only that- 67% of companies are also saying that they use social media for general marketing purposes, 36% for event marketing strategies and roughly 58% for exhibit marketing. Pretty soon the only marketing that will have an impact on consumers will be through social media networks.

Everywhere you turn these days, there’s a new social network being founded or people are using social media tools for various purposes. Marketing and advertising with social media has skyrocketed to an all-time high within the last two years- and won’t be stopped now. Many people and companies are realizing more and more the potential that social media marketing and brand awareness has for their business. According to EXHIBITOR Media Group’s recent social media marketing survey ( which is a follow up to a 2010 benchmark survey) marketers that use social media in their exhibition programs, increased by 90%. Not only that- 67% of companies are also saying that they use social media for general marketing purposes, 36% for event marketing strategies and roughly 58% for exhibit marketing. Pretty soon the only marketing that will have an impact on consumers will be through social media networks. Those numbers don’t surprise me in the slightest. With social marketing applications set to increase brand awareness, strengthen relationships with consumers and clients, and maximize sales revenue, it’s no wonder that marketing and advertising with social networking sites is taking over our digital and real worlds. The lack of time and resources isn’t stopping marketers from using these tools to the best of their advantage-they will not break apart from something they know brings value and sales to their companies (smart move). The question I can’t wait to find out the answer to would be, what’s next in the world of social media?

To learn more about what you’ve just read, feel free to consult fishbat Social Media Marketing Company.

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