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The Do’s and Don’ts of Video Marketing During the Holidays

Video Marketing Holidays

Did you know that close to ninety percent of businesses use video as a marketing tool? Were you also aware that YouTube, the largest video streaming platform online, has two billion active monthly users? These are just a few statistics that help paint a picture of the importance of video marketing. Simply put, it’s one of the most effective services that a digital marketing firm can provide. Not only does it help companies maintain their content output, but it can be used to reach current and prospective consumers alike. With the holidays just around the corner, the importance of video marketing is that much greater.

It’s been said that the earlier one begins their holiday marketing efforts, the more potent they will become. Keep in mind that the average user will begin shopping in October, as the holidays are concerned. Given that many stores put out Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations prior to November and December, respectively, this should come as no surprise. What this means, for businesses, is that consumers’ attention should be grabbed early on. This is where methods such as video marketing come into play. By placing high-quality content in front of said consumers, businesses can turn prospects into leads, which can ultimately lead to long-term business. To get the most out of your video content during the holidays, keep the following do’s and don’ts in mind.

Try different types of video content. Holiday marketing isn’t an exact science, meaning that it will benefit companies to try different forms of video. For instance, a company may wish to highlight one of its hottest products or services in a video, showcasing its value through production values synonymous with solid content. However, what happens if this type of content fails to perform? That same company may wish to shift to a more lighthearted form of video content, inviting users to connect with them on social media for updates throughout the holiday season. No two holiday marketing strategies will be the same, be it in regard to video, graphics, or written content, so experimentation plays a vital role. Eventually, you’ll find an approach that works.

Implement strong call to action examples. A call to action, or CTA, is a message that prompts a user to take a specific action. CTAs are commonly implemented by Long Island advertising agencies so that users follow desired steps. These range from visiting a specific internal page of a website to signing up for an email newsletter to following a company on social media. Simply put, a CTA increases the likelihood that content, video or otherwise, has value. During the holidays, the best CTA can take the form of a freebie. To expand on this, a user may be inclined to provide their email information if they receive an electronic coupon book or whitepaper. Rule of thumb: try to incorporate a CTA wherever applicable but keep the user in mind.

Video Marketing Holidays

Try to invest in high-quality video equipment. Despite the technological advances that have been made concerning smartphones and tablets, the built-in cameras of these devices may not suffice for video marketing efforts. This is especially true for companies that devote considerable time into this strategy. In other words, they’re going to require more sophisticated equipment. This goes beyond video cameras, too; light fixtures and soundproofing measures, just to name a few other examples, may be invested in. While this may seem like a tremendous level of effort to put in, rest easy knowing that the videos created will come out more professional, resulting in content that performs at a high level.

Refrain from selling too hard. This may seem counterproductive, as marketing is used to help businesses sell products and services, but it’s possible to do so in excess. The holiday season is a time of giving, after all, and pushing one’s wares isn’t conducive to the holiday season. Thus, when creating video content, a sense of thoughtfulness should be instilled. For many people, some more than others, this year has brought on various challenges and obstacles. They may not have ample spending in mind. When a user sees a video that generates warmth, almost as if said user can feel it emanating from their screen, it brings to mind the best aspects of the holidays. Try not to sell too hard when creating video content. It will turn out better as a result.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service growth marketing agency located in New York. Utilizing the latest technologies and forward-thinking strategies, fishbat is able to create marketing plans that are tailor-made for specific needs and goals. The services that fishbat provides include, but aren’t limited to, social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and branding. With these, businesses will be able to market directly to their audiences, increasing traffic, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

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