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The Best Blogging Tips for the Holiday Season

Blogging Holiday Season

The holiday season will require internet marketing agencies to rework their ongoing strategies. This applies to all services that they offer, including search engine optimization and social media management. Another area where the holidays will prove impactful is in content creation. Blogging is common, in this regard, and the content that’s created and published may have to be tailored accordingly. Fortunately, this is a simple adjustment that can lead to strong results.

Blogging during the holidays will change many features of the content in question. Everything from the value being presented to the language used will be modified in order to complement this time of the year. Additionally, depending on the content a business has already, they may not have to create as much as they anticipate. For businesses that are looking to improve their marketing endeavors as we head into 2021, here are a few tips to consider.

Plan content as early as possible. Like any marketing strategy, blogging should be done with a sense of reason. It doesn’t pay to wait until the last possible moment, especially during a period of the year as bustling as the holidays. This is why an online or email marketing agency may opt to create a content calendar. By doing so, they can follow a specific format that helps them create or share content on certain days or within given weeks. A calendar will also give a company time to brainstorm ideas for the future, not just for the remainder of 2020 but heading into 2021 as well. When it comes to the content creation process, it’s wise for work to begin as early as possible.

Keep things lighthearted. One of the best ways to maintain a business blog during the holidays is by adopting a lighthearted approach. Readers will be in a certain mood this time of year, so it’s important to capitalize on this with specific types of content. The careful use of language matters as mentioned earlier, but there are certain subjects worth focusing on as well. For example, a restaurant or bakeshop may wish to take it upon themselves to write posts detailing the best meals or desserts to create or bring to the kitchen table. Everyone will be looking for suggestions, as far as food during the holidays is concerned, and such content will perform well.

Blogging Holiday Season

Repurpose or revisit older content. Instead of focusing entirely on new content, see if there are opportunities to revise what has been previously established. This is especially useful for posts that are stat-heavy, as numbers can change over time. Furthermore, certain posts may not have meta descriptions or tags in place; including these can help with the SEO value of historical content. You may also wish to include images that better fit site dimensions, especially if the site in question saw a recent overhaul. If your business website has months or years of content, which should be the case for long-standing organizations, take a look back and see if anything can be revised to make it better.

Offer gift guides. When it comes to reliable ideas for content, gift guides are among the most popular go-to options. It’s easy to see why, as they provide users with ideas on what to purchase their loved ones. Furthermore, gift guides can be broken down into certain categories, which not only provides users with more in-depth information but websites with more content to publish. Case and point, an electronics company may have multiple pages detailing the best products under certain price points, whether it’s $100 and below, $50 and below, just to name a few possibilities. When crafted with care, gift guides can prove to be high-quality content.

Detail the year in review. If a company has seen considerable success or undergone various changes in 2020, this information may be worth compiling in a blog post. This strategy is especially true in industries people follow closely, sports included. It’s not uncommon for a sports team to publish their successes throughout the year, such as in regard to games won or records broken. Additionally, this fills readers with enthusiasm, as they will be that much more interested to see what 2021 has in store. Granted, this may not be applicable to all businesses, so one’s mileage may vary. However, for businesses with plenty to tout in 2020, this is a great idea for blog writing purposes.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service social media marketing agency located in New York. Utilizing the latest technologies and forward-thinking strategies, fishbat is able to create marketing plans that are tailor-made for specific needs and goals. The services that fishbat provides include, but aren’t limited to, social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and branding. With these, businesses will be able to market directly to their audiences, increasing traffic, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

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