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Tweeting Better Boosts Brands Engagement

​It really all depends on the industry but according to a recent study by Buddy Media, larger brands are noted to gain more of a reaction leading to engagement by posting tweets on the weekend instead of on weekdays. Tweeting on the weekends is a fantastic social media marketing strategy, if you post the right type of content at the right times of course.

It really all depends on the industry but according to a recent study by Buddy Media, larger brands are noted to gain more of a reaction leading to engagement by posting tweets on the weekend instead of on weekdays. Tweeting on the weekends is a fantastic social media marketing strategy, if you post the right type of content at the right times of course.

There have been quite a few studies showing that specific methods used while tweeting can actually pay off and grow your company’s visits and engagement. If your company is on Twitter, they should less than 100 characters in each of their tweets. By doing this you are leaving room for re-tweets and comments from followers. Not to mention that doing this has a 17% higher engagement rate than if you are posting tweets with over 100 characters.

A helpful Twitter-tip is to add links as often as you are able to, to posts that you tweet out. This gives you a higher chance for re-tweets. Doing this has reportedly accounted for 92% of all interactions which is 86% higher of a re-tweet rate than posts that don’t contain a link. Make sure when you do this that you have enough room to leave a space before the URL so as to disable any unclickable links.

Hashtags are always a good idea, but anymore than two hashtags in a tweet could actually result in a decrease in re-tweets and engagement, so make sure you are careful about when and where you are posting them. Don’t forget to use images where they make sense. Bigger brands have seen a 2X higher engagement rate than those brands that add pictures to their tweets.

Of course, you have to be wise about your own company’s social media performance so that you can figure out which approach is suitable for your specific brand. Following these helpful guidelines however can help steer you on the right track to maximizing brand awareness and increasing business/consumer engagement.

Would you like a free business consultation? Contact fishbat New York Social Media Agency to see how we can help.

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