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Website Design Mistakes

​Although there certainly is an art to website design, it generally is a mistake to get too creative when you build your websites. Users do not want to be “challenged” when they go to a website; they want to find exactly what they’re looking for immediately, sooner if possible. Therefore, when you’re building a website, here are a few things you’re going to want to avoid like the plague.

Although there certainly is an art to being a long island website design company, it generally is a mistake to get too creative when you build your websites. Users do not want to be “challenged” when they go to a website; they want to find exactly what they’re looking for immediately, sooner if possible. Therefore, when you’re building a website, here are a few things you’re going to want to avoid like the plague.

PDFs: PDFs have their place; if you have forms that people want to print out or flyers to share, use a PDF. However, if the document is meant to be read exclusively (or even mostly) online, PDFs are verboten. PDFs can’t be searched easily, and not everyone has the software to read them. When it comes to website design, online content should be text.

Fixed Font Size: So you can’t use PDFs, but you still want to control the user’s viewing experience. Can you make the font size fixed. This is another website design no no. Everybody is going to read your page on different screens, and for some, being able zoom in makes it significantly easier.

Images of Text: This is probably the worst website design company mistake. Simply put: there is no reason your website design should feature a picture of text outside of a logo. Search engines can’t read them, people can’t copy them easily, and editing them is a nightmare. Simply stay away.

Bad or Nonexistent Search: Not every website design needs a search function; if the user can get to everywhere from your homepage, you’re probably fine. But if you have hundreds of pages, you better give the user a way to find what she’s looking for. Make sure the search is smart enough to handle typos and that the search engine points to the correct page for the results. For example, if you have a page devoted to widgets, a search for widgets better bring up your widgets page, not an endless stream of widget press releases.

Do you have any website design pet peeves? What do you wish you could stop seeing on websites.

Contact fishbat Social Media Marketing Company if you’re interested in web design services.

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