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What If Jarvis Really Existed?

When does Hollywood really become reality? Edwin Jarvis was a fictional character in Marvel Comics, Iron Man and in the movie adaptation of Iron Man he is characterized as a fictional system digital interface called J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System as Peter David’s novelization of the film referred to him). J.A.R.V.I.S. helps Tony Stark / Iron Man, in all of his technological accomplishments and while inside the Iron Man suit. While J.A.R.V.I.S. is a computer that Tony Stark uses as a digital universe that he can walk through and interact with motions and voice interaction while still maintaining a humanized logical response. Is the technology that J.A.R.V.I.S. exhibits in the movie closer to reality then we realize?

When does Hollywood really become reality? Edwin Jarvis was a fictional character in Marvel Comics, Iron Man and in the movie adaptation of Iron Man he is characterized as a fictional system digital interface called J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System as Peter David’s novelization of the film referred to him). J.A.R.V.I.S. helps Tony Stark / Iron Man, in all of his technological accomplishments and while inside the Iron Man suit. While J.A.R.V.I.S. is a computer that Tony Stark uses as a digital universe that he can walk through and interact with motions and voice interaction while still maintaining a humanized logical response. Is the technology that J.A.R.V.I.S. exhibits in the movie closer to reality then we realize? In 2009 Pranav Mistry received an award as Inventor of the Year and Invention of the Year by Popular Science for creating the Sixthsense. In 2010 he was dubbed one of the top 10 inventors in the world. Pranav Mistry began his research about 12 years ago with his invention Mouseless (an invisible computer mouse), SPARSH (novel way to copy-paste data between digital devices) and Quickies (intelligent searchable sticky notes); these inventions would later be combined and used as part of an larger interface to create his future invention the Sixthsense. While Mistry tried to create an interface that would allow him to introduce the objects in real world to the digital world by using object recognition software, he would later realize the error of his way and completely reversed his though process by introducing the digital world to the real world. Mistry would sum up the Sixthsense as, “a wearable gestural interface that augments the world around us with digital information and lets natural hand gestures interact with the information.” His invention was comprised of a pocket protector, camera and mirror, coupled with a lanyard to be worn like a mobile pendent. It allowed the user to project work on to any surface and allowed interaction with colored markers to be worn on your index finger and thumb of both hands (different color for every finger that allows visual tracking fiducials) and while projecting itself onto a surface the Sixthsense will allow you to work on projects, take and edit pictures, take notes, retrieve date, play games, view maps, drag and drop in and out of program, pull information from print, edit and even grab and drag it to and from your home computer. The software also has the ability to recognize objects, writing, and face recognition to retrieve related data. Maybe you have a book you see on the shelf, it will pull ratings, reviews of that book, pull up audio/video and compare pricing to other resellers. This interface allows you to keep moving, to bring the digital world around you and it will continue to streamline projects and no longer making you stationary at your desk. Mistry in 2009 during a presentation, admitted that the prototype only cost him $350.00 (not including the computer). He would later go on to encourage others by posting instructions on the internet to build your own as well release an open source version of the source code for the prototype to the public. Mistry admits that he can see his prototype’s untapped potential. I see the Sixthsense invention as being indispensable in every day life no matter the level of complication. In the medical field I could easily see it aiding in surgeries, while providing information. Helping provide a voice for the voiceless, maybe even providing a typed out version of spoken work to those who cannot hear. Imagine the possibilities of the social media marketing industry if Facebook users can update their status on the wall of their kitchen! Just like Iron Man, why couldn’t the Sixthsense develop into the digital world that J.A.R.V.I.S. presented to Tony Stark!

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