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What the Bing Challenge Really Tells Us about SEO

​So, you might have seen commercials recently about a new promotion from Bing, the second place search engine. Basically, Bing has decided to take the route of Pepsi and have people do tests to see which search results they prefer: theirs or Google’s. In order to do it, you can go to their Bing it On website and put in keywords and choose between two results stripped of obvious identifiers of whether it’s Bing or Google (eagle-eye users can probably tell anyone, based on slightly different formats).

So, you might have seen commercials recently about a new promotion from Bing, the second place search engine. Basically, Bing has decided to take the route of Pepsi and have people do tests to see which search results they prefer: theirs or Google’s. In order to do it, you can go to their Bing it On website and put in keywords and choose between two results stripped of obvious identifiers of whether it’s Bing or Google (eagle-eye users can probably tell anyone, based on slightly different formats).

While it’s an interesting novelty, what really matters is that, according to Bing at least, people prefer Bing results 2 to 1 over Google. There’s no reason to take Bing’s word for it, but it is possible. Like the Pepsi Challenge, people prefer it but still buy Coke anyway.

But, let’s assume that it is true. What would that mean? From where I’m sitting, the major difference between Bing and Google is that Bing is significantly more responsive to SEO than Google. Anyone who has done SEO knows this: I know I have often lamented the number of users on Bing, seeing all my first page results there get little to no traffic.

Therefore, it would seem that, despite Google’s endless protestations to the contrary, people really do prefer their search engine results to be optimized. Now, maybe SEO experts can hold their heads high.

Does this mean that Bing is suddenly going to surpass Google? I sincerely doubt it. As we all know, the Pepsi challenge didn’t unseat Coke, so there’s no reason to think the Bing challenge is going to make Google a thing of the past. Still, the results are interesting nonetheless and certainly demonstrate the value that SEO has for the average user.

For more information about SEO and the services involved in it, please contact internet marketing agency fishbat today.

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