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Your Hand Could be the Next Cell Phone

Three years ago it would have seemed like something straight out of a Sci-Fi flick, but the OmniTouch is quickly bringing futuristic innovation to the present. This device basically turns everything and anything into a physical touch screen, controlled by human fingers. A swipe here and a press there will make calls, type text messages, and even make advances in games.

Check it out: human skin and inanimate objects are becoming the new touch screens.

Three years ago it would have seemed like something straight out of a Sci-Fi flick, but the OmniTouch is quickly bringing futuristic innovation to the present. This device basically turns everything and anything into a physical touch screen, controlled by human fingers. A swipe here and a press there will make calls, type text messages, and even make advances in games.

Perhaps a device attached to the shoulder is not the ideal communication device. I imagine people trying to snatch the projectors from other people, or the devices falling off. And who knows how well the reception will be while talking into your hand. But like everything else that is freshly created, the OmniTouch will probably be modified dozens of times to the point where it will be small enough to slip into your pocket or purse.

If you’re like me and somehow manage to drop your iPhone on every hard surface you come across (concrete, marble, tile), or if you put your Samsung Galaxy in your pocket or purse and it still manages to sneak out and make a swan dive to the ground- imagine the peace of mind you’ll have if your hand is your cell phone; you can’t drop your hand.

It’d be pretty incredible to hold my hand up in front of my face and literally have the world at my finger tips. It’d be pretty incredible to project a keyboard onto a wall and type out a text message, play a game, and update my Facebook. The whole world is slowly morphing into a technological, interactive surface for humans to communicate and entertain. Does this Microsoft invention have enough steam to surpass Apple in the near future?

To learn more about what you’ve just read, please reach out to fishbat Social Media Marketing.

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