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4 Simple Tips All Digital Marketers Can Learn From BuzzFeed

Some employees break up the monotony of an eight hour work day by leaving the office for a bite to eat, to grab a cup of coffee, or go for a walk. However, those who lack the time to leave the office take their break in other ways. For many of us, we surf the web and eventually find ourselves landing on BuzzFeed.

By: Morgan Mandriota

Some employees break up the monotony of an eight hour work day by leaving the office for a bite to eat, to grab a cup of coffee, or go for a walk. However, those who lack the time to leave the office take their break in other ways. For many of us, we surf the web and eventually find ourselves landing on BuzzFeed.

What makes BuzzFeed so insanely addictive? Why do I want to take a quiz to know what type of burrito I am or which 90s emo band I should have been a part of? This, my friends, is the magic of BuzzFeed.

Whether you work in social media or content marketing, here are four simple tips all digital marketers can learn from the amazing platform of BuzzFeed:

  1. Know your target audience and target content to them. What are you posting about, and how can you target your audience with that content? Determining who you want to reach will help you draft up your posts. Be sure to speak their language and come up with a catchy headline in order to up the chances of engaging your audience or even clicking on your post at all.
  2. Post about both trending and evergreen topics. With a variety of categories such as “LOL,” “OMG,” “WTF?,” and “Trending,” BuzzFeed shares posts that focus on all different topics. Be diverse with your content (while still remaining relevant to your brand and industry!) in order to attract a larger audience.
  3. Incorporate quality graphics. Why are BuzzFeed posts heavily saturated with graphics? Because everybody loves a good meme, GIF, or Vine. There are a variety of free tools and programs that can help you create your own branded image. Otherwise, you can easily (and legally) find an infographic or photo that relates to your post and helps drive your message home to readers!
  4. Craft posts so they’re relatable and shareable. Why are all of BuzzFeed’s articles so viral, one after the other? Among other reasons, it’s because the content relates to people of all genders, ethnicities, and age groups. Creating relatable posts increases the odds of others sharing your content, which is exactly why BuzzFeed has dominated the world of social media and can be found all over Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

Are you a BuzzFeed addict and/or a social media or content marketer? Let the fishbat team know your thoughts in the comments below! To get in touch with our team, fill out the form over on our Contact Page or call us at 855-347-4228.

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