Infographics serve a number of purposes. Chief among these is the ability to distribute or display information in a way that anyone can easily consume. Even if one isn’t familiar with the subject matter presented to them, infographics are effective at not only breaking down specifics but making the learning experience more welcoming. It’s easy to see why Internet marketing companies invest in this area of graphic design. It should go without saying, however, that multiple factors can make or break the effectiveness of infographics. To this end, here are 6 tips to know regarding infographic design on any scale.
1. Map out your infographic design beforehand. Much like any major graphic design project, infographic design shouldn’t be done without a plan in place. It’s important to map out your project so that you have a proverbial roadmap to follow. Is your infographic meant to be read vertically or horizontally? What are the key areas in which smaller images will be used to help visualize concepts? Where should text be placed? These are just a few key elements to consider when creating infographics. Having a roadmap of sorts will make the design process itself that much easier.
2. Communicate data as clearly as possible. The most important attribute of any infographic, regardless of the subject matter presented, is the data itself. Though you may know the subject matter in question inside and out, you must put yourself in the shoes of the average user. How easily are they going to be able to understand the information presented to them? Infographics are designed in such a way that complexities are reduced or removed entirely. Focus on using such elements as bar graphs and pie charts to help illustrate your information easier. Color coordinate certain pieces of data to aid user navigation. These are just a few ways to help streamline the element of communication.
3. Source information when needed. If your infographic design efforts hinge on research, ensure that every piece of relevant data is sourced. This can be done in a few ways. One such method is by adding a specific source after a statistic or percentage used in your infographic. You may also wish to compile all sources used and list them at the bottom of your infographic. Either way, by providing sources, you do your due diligence as a content creator. Furthermore, by sourcing information, you build trust with the user, as this shows them that said information is legitimate.
4. Be creative with your infographic design efforts. As you already know, data is essential to the development of infographic design. However, graphic design projects can be made or broken based on aesthetic value, so be as creative as possible while keeping the user in mind. One of the elements of design to avoid is flatness; use layers and colors to help visualize your concepts and make your graphics that much more appealing to the eye. One of the ways to do this is by using features like drop shadows, making text and images pop out more. Color coordination is also vital in that certain hues work better together than others. Social media agencies keep these details in mind when developing infographics.
5. Don’t forget to use white space. In graphic design, white space is used to help the eyes and mind breathe. Without it, information overload stands the chance of occurring, which means that the content you create will not retain users as effectively as it should. Be sure to use white space to help break up paragraphs, smaller images, and the like. If content appears to be too packed together, use white space to help make it easier to digest. The quality of your infographic design efforts will improve as a result.
6. Keep the length of your infographics in mind. No matter how information-rich your graphics are, they shouldn’t go on for too long. Failure to keep this in mind will result in bloated content; in turn, you run the risk of losing the user. If you’re reviewing your work, and you believe that the final infographic is too long, there’s a possibility that the average user will feel the same. In a situation such as this, see if there are any details you can omit. Even cutting a few sentences will make a considerable difference in how your work is received by the public.
About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service digital marketing firm that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.