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How Long Island Web Design Agencies Create Secure Websites

Long Island Web Design

The importance of secure web design can’t be understated. Websites that lack the proper measures are susceptible to web-based malware such as phishing and defacement. Furthermore, a lack of web-based security increases the likelihood of malicious URLs, such as those related to torrenting and social media, which can create problems for unsuspecting visitors. While a website should be able to provide a solid user experience, allowing them to find the information they need or complete a certain action, it must also be built with the highest level of security in mind. This is one of the areas where Long Island web design agencies specialize, and to learn more about what goes into this process, keep the following information in mind.

One of the first things to do, when developing a secure website, is implement an SSL certificate. For those that don’t know, an SSL certificate is a digital certificate that creates a trusted security tunnel between the site and the user. Essentially, the user activity on the site is encrypted, resulting in a higher level of security than there would have been otherwise. To provide an example, a company website may have a section where a user can sign up for an email newsletter; this is a request that will call for a user to provide a specific email. If a site isn’t built with an SSL certificate, such information can fall into the wrong hands. An SSL certificate provides any website, regardless of scope, with heightened security out of the gate.

Next, be mindful of any plugins that you decide to install. While there are many useful website plugins, such as those that offer analytics and SEO guidance, others aren’t as useful as they first appear. In fact, there are certain applications that, if implemented, leave your site vulnerable to cyberattacks. To confirm whether a specific plugin is safe, consider the following information. Is the name of the company or user responsible for the plugin reputable? Look them online to learn more. When was a particular plugin last updated? If it’s been neglected for some time, it may not be worth implementing. As any Long Island web development specialist will attest, knowing which apps to include in the backend of your website will make all the difference from a security standpoint.

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Another way to keep your website secure is by using the right passwords. While you may be confident in using passwords that only you and your team members know, there is still a chance that your website can be compromised. Knowing how to build stronger passwords will keep your website’s content, as well as the site itself, operating smoothly. Consider using randomly generated sequences for passwords, as these will be less likely to be discovered. You may also wish to keep them lengthier; the longer your passwords are, the more effective they’ll be. Furthermore, focus on using different passwords across multiple accounts, utilizing a password manager to keep track of each one. These are just a few ways that passwords can be used to increase your site’s overall security.

Finally, run regular backups for your website. Even if you follow the right steps, such as installing an SSL certificate or installing only the most reputable plugins, there’s no telling what may happen in the future. When it comes to website information, especially in regard to business, there’s no such thing as being too careful. Creating regular backups will help you store information such as content and data following potential worst-case scenarios. You can create online backups that can be accessed at any moment. However, you may take things further by using off-site backups, keeping the aforementioned information on SD cards or external hard drives. The more frequently you back up your website, the less relevant information you stand to lose.

By following this information, secure websites will be developed, not only providing users with peace of mind and better experiences but allowing companies to bolster their reputations and increase business over time. As any Long Island SEO specialist can attest, secure web design plays just as critical of a role in helping companies rank, as it’s one of the many variables that determine link placement. Are you looking to develop a website for your business? Do you have a preexisting site that can benefit from some finetuning? Whatever the case may be, speaking to a reputable marketing specialist will provide you with the results you’re looking for.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service Long Island marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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