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Web Development in 2022: What to Know Before the New Year

Web Development in 2022

Is your website prepared for the New Year? Whether your site is designed to educate customers, provide ecommerce, or a combination of functions, it can’t be denied just how vital web design is to your day-to-day efforts. Even if you’re confident with what your site has to offer, there’s always room for improvement, which is where your local Long Island website design agency can come into the picture. Not only do they understand that competition will increase come 2022 but they will see to it that your website is built for any task. In terms of web development in 2022, here’s what to know.

When it comes to web development in 2022, your linking strategy can benefit from a revamp. There are a few ways that this can be done. First, consider the broken links that may have built up over the past 12 months or so. For example, if you ever needed to change a URL slug on site, certain internal links may have been impacted, so reduce potential 404 errors as much as possible. Second, know that there is such a thing as “too much linking” when it comes to your website. Limit the number of times that you link yourself, only doing so when relevant terms are added to the mix. As any Long Island SEO specialist will attest, these practices will improve your rankings over time.

Next, ensure that your website is responsive, able to be easily accessed and used across different platforms. Over the past few years, mobile devices have seen an uptick in terms of Internet accessibility, so it’s fair to assume this will continue to increase come the New Year. If your website provides a solid user experience on desktop platforms but fails to provide a similar experience on mobile, this can create issues down the road. This is true for not only said user experience but as mentioned earlier, SEO. To get the most out of web development in 2022, responsive design is integral.

Have you been focusing on your title and meta tags in the past year? If not, it would be in your best interest to build them out heading into 2022. Essentially, title and meta tags provide descriptions of individual pages, allowing users to understand what the content entails and search engines to better categorize the pages themselves when providing results. Ideally, tags should include relevant keywords. Furthermore, tags should be unique across all pages, as this will help with search engines’ categorization processes. Proper tagging should be seen as a priority when discussing web development in 2022.

Security is another element to include in your ongoing web development efforts. From malware to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to data breaches, there are many cybersecurity risks that websites can encounter if they aren’t secure. To prevent these issues from occurring, IT security measures must be taken. Methods can be as simple as only installing the most reputable plugins, making your site both functional and safe to use. However, a business owner can take matters a few steps further by installing an SSL certificate, allowing for encrypted information transfers and general user activity.

Web Development in 2022 1

Voice search is another element to consider regarding web development in 2022. Google, as well as other search engines, have been focusing on different methods of user inquiries. Needless to say, voice search is among the methods in question, allowing users to find information they need by simply verbalizing requests. The better optimized your website is, from a voice perspective, the likelier it is that it will rank in search engine results. As search engines place more emphasis on voice search, it would behoove you to develop your website with this in mind.

Finally, your website should provide a solid customer service experience. For example, if a user is interested in a product or service you provide, they may wish to reach out directly. A contact form can come in handy, allowing said user to submit a request that will be responded to in due time. However, if you’d like to take your customer service capabilities further, you may wish to implement chatbot software. Chatbots are designed to provide immediate assistance on-site, not unlike a customer service representative. If you have the means, consider including this technology to make your site all the more user-friendly in the New Year.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service Long Island marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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