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How to Start a Blog in 2022

How to Start a Blog in 2022

Are you looking to take your digital media efforts to the next level? If so, you should know that content plays a critical role. This is the value that your core audience will see, resulting in them engaging with your brand in different ways. They may wish to learn more about what you provide and maybe even inquire about doing business in the future. Content serves as the proverbial hook, capturing users and transforming them into solid leads. One of the ways to create awareness in the digital world we live in today is blog writing. Many social media marketing agencies assist companies in building out content strategies, ensuring they’re executed with the utmost care. If you haven’t given much thought to blogging, but would like to take the steps needed, here is how to start a blog in 2022.

Establish a set of goals for your blog. To start a blog in 2022, it’s important to map out what you’d like it to achieve. For instance, if a real estate attorney were to increase their content-related efforts, this would more likely than not be due to the need to attract new clients. A Long Island marketing agency may create a blog page on their site so that they attract users in not only the New York area but other regions, depending on how expansive they’d like their geographical reach to be. Whatever the case may be, marketing should be done with clear goals in mind; this is no different with blog writing.

Select the right blogging platform. Another way to get your blog off and running is with the right content management platform. WordPress is arguably the most popular, holding over 90 percent market share in the United States. It’s easy to see why, as this platform boasts a user-friendly format and the ability for customization by way of widgets. This isn’t to say that other blogging platforms don’t exist. Examples such as Blogger and Medium show that content management services are multitudinous, so assess the options available to you before making a final decision.

Choose a suitable design. When discussing how to start a blog in 2022, design shouldn’t be left off the table. Not only should the overall aesthetic of your blog speak to your brand, but it must be user-friendly, lending itself to easy, seamless navigation. You may wish to settle on a free theme, as WordPress and other content management platforms offer plenty of free-to-use options. However, if you’d like to take things up a notch, you can spend money for a premium theme. Additionally, you can customize yours in different ways, ensuring that your blog is unique to your site.

How to Start a Blog in 2022 1

Optimize blog posts for SEO. When building out digital content, keeping search engine optimization in mind is pivotal. SEO determines how well websites and their internal pages rank based on specific key terms. Furthermore, SEO is a layered process, with numerous components required to produce fruitful results. Blog posts should be written with key terms in mind, allowing said posts to rank whenever a user puts in a search query. Furthermore, they should be optimized in regard to title, image, and meta description tags, which search engines use to categorize and deliver results. Without a sound understanding of SEO, your blogging efforts won’t be as meaningful.

Protect your blog. There are a few ways that this can be carried out. First, if it hasn’t been done already, install an SSL certificate. This addition authenticates your website’s identity, providing it with encrypted connections between users; this is especially important for businesses that sell products and services on-site. You should also consider enabling daily backups, as these will protect your website data in the event that something goes awry with your hosting server, or your site becomes the target of malware, hacking, and the like. When learning how to start a blog in 2022, security is an integral point to consider.

Promote your blog posts. As your blog becomes populated with content, it’s important to consider promotional efforts. This will bring your content to more people, attracting more readers over time. There are a few ways that this can be done, too. First, share your work across your various social media channels; from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, each social network has a unique audience that your blog posts may cater to. If email marketing is part of your overall digital marketing approach, consider incorporating blog posts readers can click on, directing them to your site. These are just a few possibilities that will help you start a blog in 2022 and give it the potential to grow.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service NYC digital marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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