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How to Use Geo-Mapping Ads to Increase Retail Sales


Geo-mapping is a technique by which data is broken down and visualized based on specific geographic locations. Statistics that are involved in this process are numerous, which makes geo-mapping ads worthwhile. For retail companies driven to sell products and services, it’s essential to use the different services that an Internet marketing agency can provide. Chief among the services in question are geo-mapping ads.

There are numerous benefits to utilizing geo-mapping ads. First, they are tailor-made for companies that work in specific regions. For example, if a flower delivery company works primarily on Long Island, they will be able to focus on specific locations including Bethpage, Islip, and Smithtown. Second, geo-mapping ads can apply to companies that build unique campaigns. In other words, geo-mapping ads will help said companies reach different areas with specialized goals in mind.

Geo-mapping ads require the right approach to ensure the utmost effectiveness. For a better understanding of how said ads can be used to increase retail sales, regardless of the specific products and services, being promoted, keep the following tips in mind. A reputable digital marketing agency can help navigate the business landscape further.

Utilize Local SEO

It’s recommended that every digital advertising strategy become equipped with search engine optimization. The efficacy of geo-mapping ads is largely influenced by the associated SEO strategy. To be more specific, there should be a focus on local SEO, centering on specific locations that companies service. For instance, a well-known restaurant in New York City may only wish to target potential guests in the five boroughs. In this scenario, it would be advantageous for the restaurant to utilize such terms as “restaurants near Brooklyn” and “Queens restaurants” when developing content, ads, and the like. This is just one instance of local SEO and how it should be integrated into geo-mapping advertising.


Determine Irrelevant Areas

A geo-mapping advertising strategy is enhanced by applicable areas, but it can also be made less effective when irrelevant areas are included. One of the reasons why a business should exclude the latter areas is that it will save resources, such as time and money. A more important reason to exercise this, however, is to ensure that only the right audiences are focused on. To expand on this idea, a resident of Long Island is more likely to go to an office supply store in Lindenhurst than in Albany. Not only does this ensure that a business reaches their target audience, but it will keep costs low in the process.

Be Mindful of Environmental Factors

Another variable to note, when it comes to geo-mapping ads, is the collection of environmental factors based on location. Overall climate will change from one location to the next, meaning that unique ads should be run in different areas. For instance, a company that specializes in pool-products, such as filters and liners, is less likely to run ads in January and February than they would in July and August. Therefore, the pool product company may wish to shift gears and invest their marketing dollars elsewhere. Having this knowledge will help with reducing costs and saving time.

Understand Consumer Behavior

Another way to increase retail sales with geo-mapping ads is by understanding the behavior of a consumer base. Specific results will vary from region to region, but there are still commonalities to note. When will consumers shop online the most? What are the items that they buy the most? When are they most likely to go on social media? These are just a few questions that a company should consider when researching their audience. Geo-mapping ads should be developed based on not only location but those that reside within a certain region. This is another area where an Internet marketing company can lend their assistance.

Consider Online Platforms

Geo-mapping ads can be placed on a number of platforms, some of which may prove more useful than others. Search engines are quite common in this respect. When a user searches for a local establishment – this could be a diner to have a quick meal at, a hotel to stay the night in, or a pharmacy to pick up an over-the-counter medication from, just to name a few examples – the search engine will show results that are relevant to their area. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, have their own geo-mapping capabilities that businesses have taken advantage of as well. With numerous platforms, businesses must consider where they should invest.

With these tips in mind, geo-mapping ads can be used to increase sales, and therefore leads, in the retail space. Retail is one of the most robust industries in the world, and while this results in opportunity, it also creates a strong level of competition. For these reasons, it’s important for companies within said industry to develop digital marketing strategies that perform. Geo-mapping ads will help retailers reach their audiences online, generating steady revenue in the process.

Please consult Growth Marketing Agency fishbat for more information about what you’ve just read.

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