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LinkedIn Misconceptions for Digital Marketers to Know

LinkedIn Misconceptions

LinkedIn is regarded as the largest social media network for professionals. Unlike such names as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, just to name a few social media sites, LinkedIn’s primary focus is to help professionals connect. These individuals can belong to the same industries, or even companies, and creating relationships will allow them to explore different opportunities. Whether these opportunities include employment, business partnerships, or simple exchanges of ideas, it’s easy to see why this platform has become as big as it has. Even so, there are various LinkedIn misconceptions that exist.

Make no mistake: LinkedIn is large in scope. In addition to being one of the longest-standing social media platforms, having been officially launched in 2003, it boasts over 700 million members across more than 200 countries and territories. Even so, the average user may believe that there’s not much more to LinkedIn than simply creating a platform and uploading their professional information onto their account. Here are some of the LinkedIn misconceptions every digital marketing company, as well as individual marketer, should know.

“I can’t use LinkedIn if I don’t live, or work, in the United States.” Do you live outside of the U.S.? Are you a U.S. citizen but are currently working in another country? While you may believe that LinkedIn is only applicable to this region, you’d be mistaken. As stated earlier, LinkedIn has a user base that spans over 200 countries and territories. These include, but aren’t limited to, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Japan, and India. The same functionality exists across all regions, meaning that a user’s experience won’t be hindered based on their current location. The fact that LinkedIn is so universal is reason enough for a social media marketing agency to suggest it to clients, especially those in the B2B sector. In other words, LinkedIn is a worldwide platform.

“LinkedIn is only useful if I’m looking for work.” First and foremost, LinkedIn can certainly help users capitalize on opportunities. This is especially true given that the platform is used by recruiters that contact users based on their employment history and skillsets, just to name a few variables. However, as we will discuss in detail later, LinkedIn can be used for a variety of reasons. In fact, it’s not unfathomable for a retired professional to use it as a way to keep up with their industry. Not unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is what the user makes of it.

LinkedIn Misconceptions

“LinkedIn is only relevant to professionals in certain industries.” Much like location, LinkedIn isn’t limited to specific industries. This is another one of the various LinkedIn misconceptions worth addressing, especially since there are multiple trades represented on the platform. For example, if a nutritionist creates their own account, they will be that much closer to connecting with professionals in health and wellness. The same can be said for an aspiring filmmaker looking to establish relationships in the entertainment industry. Regardless of the area in which an individual works, LinkedIn will provide value.

“I should populate my LinkedIn profile and leave it alone.” One of the common mistakes that the average LinkedIn user makes is creating their profile, populating it, and never touching it again. While one needs to complete their profile, including everything from a high-quality picture to relevant work-related information, this isn’t all that LinkedIn has to offer. Case and point, there are LinkedIn Groups that users can join, where they can discuss topics with fellow professionals, exchanging ideas in the process. A user may also wish to bolster their profile with articles; long-form content tends to catch the attention of users on this platform. Keep these suggestions in mind, whether you’re new to the platform or would like to get back into it.

“I’m only allowed to connect with those I know in my personal or professional life.” If you believe that you’re only supposed to connect with users you know in your personal life, or at work, you’re not getting the most out of LinkedIn. It’s recommended to establish relationships with others, especially if they work in the same region or industry. When initiating an invitation, start with a custom message, explaining why you’d like to speak further. From there, they may connect, which is where a dialogue can begin. The same can be said for when a user receives an invitation; if it seems worthwhile, the user in question would be inclined to accept. Keeping your professional network limited will also limit the opportunities generated by the platform.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service digital and growth marketing agency located in New York. Utilizing the latest technologies and forward-thinking strategies, fishbat is able to create marketing plans that are tailor-made for specific needs and goals. The services that fishbat provides include, but aren’t limited to, social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and branding. With these, businesses will be able to market directly to their audiences, increasing traffic, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

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