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Quora for Marketing: What to Know

How to Use Quora for Marketing

The Internet is brimming with information and one of the best ways that it can be consumed is through communication. This is done via a number of platforms, some of which are more well-known than others. Founded in 2009, Quora is one such platform. Designed for the purposes of asking questions and providing answers across several topics, this has become one of the most well-known community-driven websites in the world today. Furthermore, in the hands of a capable Internet marketing agency, it can be a tremendous promotional vehicle. With this in mind, if you’re looking to use Quora for marketing, here are a few questions and answers to consider.


“What, exactly, is Quora?” Quora is a question-and-answer social media platform that’s built upon the foundation of community management. Though it was founded in 2009, as mentioned earlier, its popularity didn’t truly skyrocket until 2014 following a partnership with startup company Y Combinator. From there, the value of Quora skyrocketed; today, it’s rumored that the social platform is valued at over $2 billion. These are just a few key details to know about Quora, but in general terms, it’s a website where users can ask questions and, if they have relevant information, can provide answers to the questions that other users bring to the forefront.


“Is Quora worthwhile from a visibility standpoint?” In short, yes. While it may not be as prevalent as Facebook or Instagram, to name a few key examples of social media platforms, Quora is no slouch when it comes to visibility. Case and point, did you know that Quora boasts over 300 million monthly visitors? Many of these users contribute to the conversations on the platform, providing thoughtful insight. It’s also worth noting that Quora’s content is searchable, not only through Google but other search engines. Quora’s visibility is high, which makes it all the more worthwhile a platform for your digital marketing efforts.


“What should I know about Quora from a paid advertising standpoint?” Quora for marketing can be incredibly efficient, especially with the platform’s paid opportunities. By creating an ad account on the platform, you have the ability to create and share advertisements on the platform. Developing and managing ads is easy as well; the same can be said for finding information related to your paid ad campaign. From clicks to impressions to conversions, you’ll have all the details you need right at your fingertips. Said details will give you further insight into your marketing, allowing you to tailor your strategy accordingly.


“What are some of the biggest mistakes made in regard to Quora for marketing?” When discussing oversights to avoid, blatant advertising is a good place to begin. Simply put, don’t use the platform to shill your products, services, or brand. Quora’s audience understands when they’re being advertised to, so focus less on this and more on providing value. Another common mistake is getting involved in conversations that are irrelevant to your business. This will make appealing to your target audience more challenging than it should be. These are just a few mistakes to avoid, and as you continue using Quora, you’ll learn which strategies are worth sticking with versus those that are best left by the wayside.

Quora for Marketing

“How do I develop a solid Quora profile?” Much like other social media platforms, Quora for marketing starts with developing a user profile. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind. First, Quora uses the first 50 characters of your profile as a tagline above each answer; make those first 50 characters count. Second, create a bio on your profile that reflects your business, providing as much information about it as possible within the word limit. Third, as you develop your credentials across numerous topics, detail your knowledge in said topics. These steps will help you develop a reputable profile, making users more inclined to connect with you.


“I’m interested in using Quora for my own marketing efforts; what should I do next?” In the event that you’d like to use Quora for marketing, understand that working alongside a professional goes a long way. For example, if you’re a New York-based business owner, it would be in your best interest to research Long Island marketing or advertising agencies. From there, you can learn about the services they provide, not only in regard to social media platforms like Quora but search engine optimization, branding, and other marketing efforts. By choosing the right agency, you can rest easy knowing you’ll get the most out of Quora.



About fishbat: fishbat B2B Digital Marketing Company takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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