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The Rule of 7 in B2B Digital Marketing

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Think of a company that sells high-quality office furniture. Their ideal customers aren’t teenagers browsing online for the latest video game console; instead, they’re looking to connect with business decision-makers who need to outfit their entire office space. This is where B2B digital marketing comes in. B2B stands for “business-to-business,” and B2B digital marketing refers to all of the online marketing strategies used to target and acquire customers from other businesses.

Here at fishbat, we’ve been sailing the world of B2B digital marketing for over a decade now, and we’ve seen a lot of changes. But one thing remains constant: the importance of building relationships and trust with potential customers. B2B purchases are complex, often involving multiple decision-makers who need to be convinced that your product or service is the right fit for their company.

That’s why effective B2B digital marketing goes beyond flashy ads and promotional content. It’s about establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry, providing valuable information to your target audience, and nurturing leads over time.

The Rule of 7 in B2B Digital Marketing

Have you ever heard the saying “good things come in threes”? Well, in the world of B2B marketing, there’s a different rule of thumb at play: the Rule of 7. This concept suggests that it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a potential customer makes a purchase.

Why 7? B2B purchases are often high-value and complex. Unlike buying a new shirt online, outfitting an entire office or implementing a new software system requires careful research, evaluation, and buy-in from multiple stakeholders. The Rule of 7 highlights the importance of staying visible and engaging with potential customers throughout their decision-making journey.

Here’s a real-life example of the Rule of 7 in action: Let’s say you’re the CEO of a company considering a new marketing automation platform. Your buying journey might look something like this:

  • Interaction 1: You see a social media ad for fishbat’s B2B digital marketing services, which include marketing automation setup and support.
  • Interaction 2: A week later, you come across a blog post from fishbat that discusses the benefits of marketing automation for B2B companies.
  • Interaction 3: You download a free white paper from fishbat’s website that offers a step-by-step guide to choosing the right marketing automation platform.
  • Interaction 4: You attend a webinar hosted by fishbat on the latest marketing automation trends.
  • Interaction 5: You see a case study on fishbat’s website showcasing how they helped a similar company in your industry achieve success with marketing automation.
  • Interaction 6: An email marketing campaign from fishbat keeps you updated on industry news and marketing automation best practices.
  • Interaction 7: Finally, you reach out to fishbat for a consultation to discuss your specific marketing automation needs.

As you can see, each interaction with
fishbat (the social media ad, the blog post, the webinar, etc.) helps to build trust, establish expertise, and move you closer to a buying decision.

The digital age has shattered the linear B2B buyer journey. These days, a potential customer is only 57% of the way towards deciding on a purchase before they even have a conversation with a salesperson. Clearly, a single interaction can’t bridge that significant gap. This is where the Rule of 7 takes on heightened importance.

Countless online channels constantly bombard B2B buyers with content. To stand out, your B2B digital marketing strategy needs to have a constant presence across those channels, consistently delivering informative and valuable content at every touchpoint.


The Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of B2B Digital Marketing

Now that we’ve explored the Rule of 7 and the importance of consistent brand presence in B2B marketing, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty: the do’s and don’ts that can make or break your digital marketing strategy.

  1. Do Know Your Audience Inside and Out

    In B2B marketing, a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t cut it. The first step to success is understanding your ideal customer profile (ICP) or persona. Through meticulous market research, you’ll uncover the demographics of your target audience. But the work doesn’t end there. You need to dig deeper to understand the very problems that keep them up at night—their pain points.

    Once you understand their pain points, learn about their buying process. How do they typically go about making purchases? This buying process becomes your map, guiding your approach. To do that, you need to identify their preferred communication channels—are they social media butterflies? If yes, then which platform are they mostly on? Or maybe they prefer doing business through emails? By uncovering these details, you’ll be able to personalize your marketing messages, crafting a narrative that resonates with your ideal customer.

  2. Do Embrace the Power of Storytelling

    While B2B marketing often leans towards technical specifications and features, there’s a hidden power in crafting compelling and engaging digital content. People connect with stories. They remember tales that resonate on an emotional level, sparking a deeper understanding and connection.

    Here’s the challenge: creating impactful content takes time and effort. In fact, the average blog post takes nearly 4 hours to write, a significant increase from just five years ago. B2B content, often requiring more research, data, and polish, can take even longer.

    But here’s the reward: longer, data-driven stories rank higher. This shift from shorter, bulleted features to in-depth narratives offers a clear advantage: the ability to comprehensively address your audience’s needs.

    So how can you leverage storytelling in your B2B marketing strategy? Ditch the dry feature list. Instead, tell the story of a client who benefited from your product or service. This emotional connection is far more powerful than a list of features. Make sure to prioritize testimonials, case studies, and data in your narratives. Facts and figures build trust and credibility, while real-life examples showcase the impact of your offering.

  3. Do Leverage Multiple Digital Channels

    With a cross-channel digital marketing strategy, you can seamlessly integrate all your marketing channels—website, social media, email, and more—to create a cohesive and consistent brand experience. This unified front is crucial because, on average, B2B buyers devour thirteen pieces of content before making a purchase decision.

    Think about it, when you publish a thought-leadership blog post on B2B marketing trends, cross-channel digital marketing would ignite its reach. You start by cross-posting on social media platforms like LinkedIn, including a link in your targeted email newsletter, and even considering paid advertising on relevant industry sites. This multi-pronged approach ensures your message reaches the right audience multiple times throughout their research journey.

    Here’s the benefit: By strategically placing your content across various channels, you increase your chances of engaging with potential customers, since, according to research, a B2B buyer would engage 3–7 times before they even connect with sales. This consistent brand experience fosters trust and positions you as a thought leader, making your company the go-to solution when they’re ready to buy.

  4. Do Build Trust and Credibility

    Online reputation is paramount in B2B marketing. Potential customers need to believe that your company is a reliable and knowledgeable partner. Here are some ways to build trust and credibility:

    • Become a Thought Leader: Share valuable industry insights through content like blog posts and webinars. This showcases your expertise and positions you as a trusted resource.
    • Leverage Customer Advocacy: Showcase positive testimonials on your website and social media. These real-life stories validate your claims and build trust with potential clients.
    • Partner with Industry Influencers: Collaborate with respected figures to reach a wider audience and leverage their credibility. Additionally, consider using online reputation management services to monitor online conversations and address any negative feedback promptly. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and helps maintain a positive brand image.

    By focusing on these key strategies, you can build a foundation of trust that will propel your B2B marketing efforts forward. Remember, trust is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement!

  5. Do Track Your Results and Measure Success

    man reviewing antalyticsB2B digital marketing thrives on constant progress. Setting clear marketing goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each campaign is essential. These KPIs act as your roadmap, allowing you to track progress, measure success, and identify areas for improvement.

    Here at fishbat, we leverage website analytics tools, such as Semrush and Google Analytics, to track website traffic,

    But the journey doesn’t stop there. To maximize success, we believe in conducting a mid-year marketing check-in. This allows us to assess the effectiveness of our strategies and identify new opportunities. By analyzing current data and market trends, we can refine campaigns, explore new channels, and ensure that we’re on track to achieve your overall marketing goals for the year.

    Now it’s time for the “don’ts”!

  6.  visitor behavior, and conversions. This data analysis provides invaluable insights. We see what content resonates with our audience, which channels deliver the most leads, and how to optimize campaigns for even better results.
  7. Don’t Blast Generic Messages to a Broad Audience

    Imagine attending a networking event where someone walks up and starts spewing generic sales pitches without even bothering to learn your name or what your company does. That’s exactly what happens when you blast generic marketing messages to a broad audience in B2B marketing.

    Instead, tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with your specific target audience. Conduct market research to identify their unique needs, challenges, and preferred communication styles. For example, a company selling enterprise software solutions wouldn’t use the same messaging as a company marketing social media management tools.

    With ten years of experience in B2B digital marketing, fishbat has already seen countless digital marketing campaigns fail because they relied on a generic approach. By taking the time to understand your audience and personalize your messaging, you’ll see a significant improvement in engagement and lead generation.

  8. Don’t Neglect the Importance of High-Quality Content

    Content is king in the B2B digital marketing world. For any brand, it’s important to invest in creating valuable, well-written, and informative content that educates, informs, and solves problems for your target audience.

    Why? Business decision-makers crave insights, not ads. Studies show a staggering 80% of B2B buyers prefer articles over advertisements. High-quality content positions you as an industry expert, fostering trust and brand loyalty. It becomes a beacon of knowledge, attracting potential customers who are actively seeking solutions.

    Empowering informed decisions is another key benefit. 60% of decision-makers say a company’s content helps them make better product choices. By tackling industry trends, digging deep into customer challenges through white papers, or showcasing thought leadership through informative webinars, your brand becomes a trusted resource.

    Ditch the self-promotional brochures. Focus on creating a content marketing strategy that educates, informs, and solves your audience’s problems. Remember, poor-quality content can do more harm than good, deterring potential customers.

  9. Don’t Ignore the Power of Social Media Engagement

    Social media isn’t a one-way street in B2B marketing. Forget broadcasting messages and hoping for the best. Success on your social media strategy hinges on targeting and actively engaging your audience. This translates to:

    • Promptly responding to comments and messages, demonstrating responsiveness, and building trust.
    • Participating in industry conversations will showcase your expertise and position you as a thought leader.
    • Running interactive polls or quizzes to spark engagement, gather valuable insights, and make your brand memorable.

    The more you interact, the stronger your relationships and brand loyalty will become. In fact, among all the channels tested, B2B marketers have found that social media is the most effective at building top-of-funnel goals (brand awareness), including email (43%), or in-person events (34%).

    But where to start? Look no further than LinkedIn, the undisputed king of B2B social media. A whopping 82% of B2B marketers say it delivers the best value. From LinkedIn Outreach messaging to creating engaging company content and individual team members participating in relevant discussions, there are a million ways to leverage LinkedIn. To further establish your expertise in your niche, you can even post original content.

    By actively engaging on social media, you can transform it from a broadcast channel into a powerful B2B engagement strategy, driving brand awareness and fostering long-term customer relationships.

  10. Don’t Underestimate the Value of SEO:

    Organic search engine traffic (traffic that comes from people searching for keywords related to your business) is a gold mine for B2B lead generation. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. Creating a winning SEO campaign involves optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.

    Here’s why SEO matters: the majority (66%) of B2B buyers in the US discover products through internet searches. By optimizing your website and content for relevant keywords with SEO, you increase your chances of appearing at the top of those searches, putting your solutions directly in front of decision-makers.

    But B2B buyers are busy. Studies show a staggering 29% of Google users only visit one page from the search results. They typically land on one page, find their solution, and move on. An effective SEO strategy ensures your website provides the clear, valuable information these buyers crave, keeping them engaged and propelling them further down your sales funnel.

  11. Don’t Forget About Nurturing Leads

    The B2B sales cycle is rarely a quick process. Converting leads into paying customers often takes time and nurturing. That’s why developing a lead nurturing strategy is vital for B2B digital marketing success.

    This strategy involves sending targeted email blast campaigns with relevant content and personalized messages to keep your leads engaged throughout the buying journey. For example, you might send a series of welcome emails to new leads that introduce your company, showcase your expertise, and offer valuable resources. These emails can help establish trust and credibility with your leads, making them more likely to eventually make a purchase. 

    In addition to email campaigns, lead nurturing can also involve other tactics such as retargeting ads, social media engagement, and personalized website content. By consistently staying in front of your leads with valuable and relevant information, you can guide them through the sales funnel and ultimately convert them into loyal customers. This ongoing communication and relationship-building is essential for B2B companies looking to drive revenue and grow their businesses.


Remember the Do’s, Avoid the Don’ts: Your B2B Marketing Foundation is Set

The B2B customer journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember the Rule of 7: potential customers need to see your brand message consistently across various touchpoints before they’re ready to buy.

The key is to provide valuable content throughout this journey, fostering trust and establishing you as a thought leader. Avoid generic marketing fluff and one-way communication. Focus on educating and empowering your audience, actively engage on social media, and ensure your brand is present across relevant channels.

By prioritizing valuable content and consistent engagement, you’ll nurture leads and turn website visitors into loyal customers. If you’re ready to craft a winning B2B digital marketing strategy, fishbat can help. With a decade of experience, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to propel your B2B marketing efforts to the next level. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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