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The Social Media Platforms to Know in 2021

Social Media Platforms

With 2020 coming to a close in a few weeks, businesses would be wise to reevaluate their marketing strategies. This is especially true regarding social media, which covers several platforms of varying scopes. Of course, the way that companies use social media will vary. While many rely on these platforms to generate engagement and foster business, others may not have digital presences to start with. Needless to say, social media should play a major role in 2021.

The platforms recommended by a social media marketing agency won’t be alike across the board. Since businesses have unique specialties, some platforms will be more effective than others. Nonetheless, the following names share one common feature: they are proven entities in the digital space. With this in mind, here are the major social media platforms to know as we approach the New Year.

Reddit – Often regarded as the largest online message board in the world, Reddit encompasses numerous specialties. From food to travel to technology and beyond, there exists a bevy of subreddits for unique discussions to take place. Granted, Reddit may not be the easiest platform to advertise on. With that said, putting the user first and fostering strong communication will go a long way in unlocking said platform’s potential. Furthermore, Reddit serves as a hub for the latest news, which will help any social media company curate and publish content for clients.

Twitter – When it comes to discovering trending conversations, not to mention becoming involved in said conversations, Twitter is a major player. Keep in mind that hundreds of millions of tweets are sent out per day. This speaks volumes about the user base on the site; simply put, Twitter users are incredibly active. The utilization of hashtags will ensure that tweets are seen, especially if they’re part of popular conversations. While it may not be as popular as it once was, in the right hands, Twitter can help businesses further develop their social media marketing strategies.

Social Media Platforms

Instagram – If a business specializes in visual media, Instagram is a no-brainer. Instagram boasts an array of photos and video content, which is its defining trait. Additionally, Instagram has become an innovator in the social media space. Look no further than its Stories feature, which changed how many users share content online. Other social media platforms adopted this idea in the years that followed, incorporating it into their services in their own ways. Due to reasons such as these, Instagram is a social media network to consider as we head into 2021.

LinkedIn – Touted as the largest social media network for professionals, LinkedIn is used to help connect people in business. However, it has also been an effective B2B platform, allowing partnerships to foster through content and communication alike. LinkedIn users may wish to start small, though. This can be done through the platform’s ability to build and showcase portfolios, not unlike online resumes. LinkedIn helped professionals find jobs, but it can be just as effective for businesses searching for qualified candidates. With adequate time and effort, LinkedIn is one the best business drivers in the digital space.

YouTube – In regard to video sharing, no website is as big, nor boasts the sheer audience, as YouTube. A site that began as a humble project has since become one of the main ways that users consume content. YouTube has been used for everything from entertainment to educational purposes. It’s just as easy to find a comedy sketch show as it is to discover a self-help guide. While other video sharing platforms exist, YouTube stands head and shoulders above the rest. For companies that develop this type of content, YouTube is an invaluable tool for online marketing.

Facebook – Over a decade and a half since its inception, Facebook remains the head of the class in social media. One of the reasons for this is its audience; with over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook boasts an audience that no other social networking platform can claim. This is reason enough for businesses to prioritize Facebook. Consider, though, that it is also the most well-rounded social media site. From photos to videos to long-form text posts, content comes in many forms. Facebook offers paid advertisement options as well, meaning that the audience one can reach on this site will be augmented that much more. Whether a company already has a presence on Facebook, 2021 is the year to get the most out of it.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service New York Internet marketing company. Utilizing the latest technologies and forward-thinking strategies, fishbat is able to create marketing plans that are tailor-made for specific needs and goals. The services that fishbat provides include, but aren’t limited to, social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, and branding. With these, businesses will be able to market directly to their audiences, increasing traffic, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

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