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Facebook Post Types: What Social Media Marketers Should Know

Facebook Post Types

Facebook is different from other social media platforms in that virtually any kind of brand can find value in it. Whether you’re the owner of a local restaurant, IT firm, or social media marketing agency – and these are just a few examples to note – this social media platform can work for you. However, this ultimately comes down to the time and effort put into your digital marketing strategy. Furthermore, you must know which types of content to create and share. This brings us to the topic of Facebook post types, and though it may go without saying, there are quite a few to note.

The following information will help your business grow on Facebook, no matter your experience in your given industry. Have you been a business owner for years but haven’t given social media marketing the attention it deserves? Are you a new entrepreneur looking to establish their brand? No matter which phase you’re at, Facebook implementation is essential. With this in mind, here are a few different Facebook post types that you can experiment with, evaluating not only their long-term effectiveness but relevance to your company.

Text Posts – When it comes to Facebook post types, it’s worth starting with the most common. Text posts are, as the name suggests, text-based. These are designed to help spread messages and spark conversations, both of which can help business owners generate awareness. Furthermore, text posts can take on different forms, eliciting unique reactions. To expand on this, a post that shares a news story or update will yield a reception that’s unique from an FAQ post. One is only limited by their imagination when developing this content. Text posts may be what you rely on most, but this doesn’t mean that other options are off the table.

Photo Posts – For proof of this, look no further than photo posts. These are ideal for more product-oriented companies, as they’ll be able to showcase their wares in different ways. For instance, a restaurant owner may have seasonal entrees and beverages that they’d like to share, thus creating interest that brings more traffic to their location. Infographics may also be shared, providing information that would have been relevant in text posts but doing so in a more visually interesting fashion. These are just a few possibilities to bring these Facebook post types to life. Consider developing photo posts if you work in not just food but fashion, retail, and any other industry that offers physical goods.

Facebook Post Types 1

Video Posts – Next, video posts on Facebook can generate significant engagement, which makes sense given the medium at play. Videos are arguably the most easily digestible form of digital content today, providing users with visually and contextually interesting content. In fact, depending on how well the videos themselves are created, they can help Facebook company pages and accounts yield significant engagement. Additionally, video content can be shot by way of smartphone or with the use of more high-end equipment, meaning that the barrier for entry is surprisingly low. For assistance with ongoing video creation, editing, and distribution, consider speaking to your local Long Island marketing agency.

Facebook Live – For those that wish to take their video content efforts to the next level, Facebook Live may be for you. Essentially, this is Facebook’s live streaming platform, allowing users to record from their devices. As they do, they produce video that can be watched by other users in real time. This type of content has become especially popular among influencers, allowing them to stay connected to their users. Businesses may also use this content to record conferences, expos, and other events where audiences gather. Be sure that you have access to solid Wi-Fi or have sufficient data to ensure a seamless stream with as few hiccups as possible.

Stories – If there’s anything that modern social media has shown, it’s that there is value in short-form content. One of the most striking examples of this has been the development of Stories, which began with Snapchat before being adopted by other social media platforms, Facebook included. Facebook Stories allows users to string together multiple posts, specifically videos, to create ongoing threads. Facebook introduced its own Stories function in 2017 and it has since become one of the platform’s most valuable tools. With short-form content being so valuable, as mentioned earlier, Stories are Facebook post types to consider using.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service New York social media agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs – all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

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