To say that social media is essential during the current COVID crisis would be an understatement. The fact that there are over 3 billion users on social media, across various channels, is a testament to its prevalence. The most common uses for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are general, including staying in touch with friends and family members. Social media is just as essential to business – even more so, it can be argued – especially during the current crisis.
Social media fulfills numerous purposes from a business standpoint. These include but aren’t limited to sharing content, performing customer service, and staying in touch with clients. When it comes to the latter, businesses must know how to maintain communication during the COVID crisis. This is a sensitive endeavor that can benefit from the guidance of a digital marketing company. To better understand how to use social media to stay in touch with clients during the current crisis, keep the following details in mind.
One of the most important things to know about social media concerning the COVID crisis is that activity is paramount. Instead of remaining dormant during this period, an internet marketing company will recommend consistent communication. However, it’s important to note that the same practices from months prior won’t yield the same results, as they’re likely to be focused more on products and services. Instead, communication should be more thoughtful, which can be done in a number of ways.
First, and foremost, expect that there will be a period of downtime from a business standpoint. As people adjust to the current climate, it’s fair that they will be more mindful of the money they spend and the items they purchase. Other businesses will experience downtime as well, but there are ways to maintain relevance despite this. An effective way to stay relevant is by being active on social media. This can be done by posting unique content, sharing articles, and engaging with one’s user base, just to name a few strategies. While sales are unlikely to be the main priority, which is a topic that will be expanded on shortly, consistent social media activity goes a long way with clients.
Second, focus on providing clients with information that doesn’t “sell” but instead “helps.” For example, a trucking company will have numerous clients across different industries. During the COVID crisis, the trucking company may send an email to their clients that is less promotional and more thoughtful. The email may detail that they are thinking of their clients during the present time and that they will be a helpful resource to them if the opportunity presents itself. Not only does this show that the trucking company is taking initiative but that they’re willing to lend a hand in the most difficult of times. This is just one example of helpful, considerate social media communication.
Third, keep clients up to date on company activity if it’s relevant. As stated earlier, activity is paramount on social media, but some updates will be more helpful than others. For example, during the COVID crisis, a company may have to reduce business hours or the days of the week they are open. This information should be sent to clients via email and published on social media as well. Social media will also provide customers with information in real-time. Case and point, a company may post their new operating hours on Facebook. A current customer may ask if it applies to a location in their area or across the country. From there, the company can respond with further information or direct them to a representative. If updates are relevant to clients, they should be easily found on social media.
Fourth, provide alternative solutions to clients in light of reduced hours or closings. Social media activity goes beyond answering general questions or addressing client concerns. It can also be used to provide alternative solutions, though these will vary from one industry to the next. One of the best examples is Planet Fitness, which had to close many of its locations across the nation. In place, the company began to offer free at-home classes via streaming. Led by Planet Fitness trainers and guest coaches, these classes were designed to help clientele stay fit at home, even if they didn’t have access to the same utilities that they would at a standard fitness center. Though this is just one example, it shows that options can be provided by companies if applicable. If businesses develop alternative solutions, their relationships with current clients will become that much stronger, especially in these uncertain times. With these tips, businesses can effectively use social media to stay in touch with clients during the current COVID crisis. For a better understanding of how this can be done, consult your local marketing or SEO agency. They will be able to provide direction that improves both social media activity and business as a whole.
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